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新闻报道的格式:(一)标题、(二)导语、(三)主体、(四)结语。标题是新闻的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。在今天繁忙的现代社会中,报纸的读者大多是标题浏览者。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步开展和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。一般来说,标题、导语和主体是构成新闻报道的必不可少的三部分。可根据新闻报道的内容而确定是否要结语或其它内容(如事件和历史背景等),有时,还可将它们暗含在主体中。在写新闻报道时,首先要注意新闻的标题具有语言幽默风趣的特点,有较强的吸引力。同时,写作依据的材料要充分,要用事实来说话,语言力求简洁。最后,报道中要有亮点,能引人深思或能让人产生强烈的兴趣。范文Liu Xiang:Dark Horse in the Athens OlympicsLiu Xiang , born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China, is a Chinese hurdling In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF (国际业余田径联合会) Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 12 seconds in the 110 metres He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in A Two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 06 Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles In the final, he equaled the world record of 91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of W This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent (后裔) has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter

Dear Li Hua, Thank you for your trusting on You told me in your letter that your old friends didn't like the new ones you have just Actually,this is quite common in the society,there are so many kind people in theworld,but everyone on earth has his own character,I think all of your friends are kind to you,so,in my opinion,you should communicate with your old friend and tell them the advatages of your new ones,try your best to reduce the misunderstanding between them,I believe after a period of knowing each other,they may be as good friend as Yours XXXX


1、A top Beijing university has introduced a facescanner to keep students staying in one of its all-female dormitories safe。译文:北京一所高校已经引入了一套“人脸识别系统”,以此来保证女生宿舍楼中学生的安全。2、The face-recognition technology has controlledwho goes in and out of the Beijing Normal Universitydormitory since it was introduced last month。译文:上个月,北京师范大学引进了这一人脸识别技术,以控制该校宿舍的进出人员。3、Before the system was installed, the school recordedimages of all the residents, both with and without their glasses, news portal ported last Monday。译文:《澎湃新闻》上周一报道,在该系统安装之前,学校采集了所有住宿生的图像信息,既有戴眼镜的也有不戴眼镜的。4、The school said that the system will not only make things easier for students who forget totake their student cards with them, which they had previously needed to scan to enter thedorm, but also reduce the workload of staff。译文:校方表示,之前学生需要刷学生卡才能进入宿舍,而人脸识别系统不仅给忘带学生卡的同学提供了方便,也大大减轻了员工的工作负担。5、They say if the program is a success, more scanners will be installed around the campus。译文:如果这一试点取得成功,他们将在校园安装更多的识别机器。6、A student surnamed Zhao told that residents have to say their name, input theirstudent number or swipe their student card before the machine scans their faces。译文:一位姓赵的同学向《澎湃新闻》透露,住宿生需要在机器扫描他们的脸之前,喊出自己的名字、输入学号或者刷学生卡。7、"It is convenient and it gives me a sense of security because strangers can no longer get inand out of the building," Zhao said, adding that she prefers to input her student number as shefinds it "awkward" to speak to a machine。译文:赵同学说道:“这很方便,而且给了我一种安全感,因为陌生人再也无法进出宿舍楼了。”她还表示,自己更喜欢输入学号,因为她觉得对机器说话有些尴尬。

本人英语专业,保证正确,得体 subjec:(主题) From: To: cc:(摘抄,如果没有可以不写) bcc:(暗送,如果没有可以不写) Dear +Miss/M+ 人名 (如果不确定那人叫什么,就写Sir,这是比较正式的格式) 正文(注意要简单明了) Sincerely yours, 名字


Our school art festival is held once a I think this year’s was excellent because a lot of students and teachers took part in At first, the students of Class1 Grade6 danced the Gangnam S How wonderful they were! Then, English teachers had an English C How good they were! I liked these two Finally the students of Class3 Grade7 sang pop They sang so wonderfully! At last they won the first

假如你是李华,平时很喜欢写作。最近,某英语报社正在举办征文比赛,主题为“我最喜爱的……”。请你借此机 会,以My favorite…为题写一篇不少于80词的英语短文给该报社投稿,至少列举你喜欢它的三点理由。要求:灵活运用本单元语法:定语从句; 可以适当发挥,使行文连贯。

My school life 这是题目 My school life is very interesting My teacher and my classmates are very friendly with me I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon I have two PE classes every week I read book and listen to music after class I play football with my classmates on Sunday I am very happy Don’ worry


本人英语专业,保证正确,得体 subjec:(主题) From: To: cc:(摘抄,如果没有可以不写) bcc:(暗送,如果没有可以不写) Dear +Miss/M+ 人名 (如果不确定那人叫什么,就写Sir,这是比较正式的格式) 正文(注意要简单明了) Sincerely yours, 名字

My school life 这是题目 My school life is very interesting My teacher and my classmates are very friendly with me I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon I have two PE classes every week I read book and listen to music after class I play football with my classmates on Sunday I am very happy Don’ worry


Yesterday, I felt very When I was in class, I felt sleepy and could not listen to the teacher And I did not want to eat anything at I went to bed This morning, I felt dizzy and my head was My mom said I had a She took me to see a He gave me some medicines and told me to have a good rest at It was not too I hope I can be good


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