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试论绿色会计与企业的发展 摘要:绿色会计是企业实现可持续发展的重要保证。文章从绿色会计产生的原因、企业实现可持续发展的条件、绿色会计与传统的企业财务会计的主要区别、以及要推行绿色会计应具备的条件方面阐述了企业只有实行绿色会计核算,才能实现可持续发展。 关键词:绿色会计 可持续发展 环境资源 绿色会计是将会计学和自然环境相结合,以货币为主要计量单位,以有关环境法律、法规为依据,来研究经济发展与环境资源之间的关系,并运用专门方法,对企业给社会环境资源造成的收益和损失进行确认、计量、揭示、分析,以便为决策者提供环境信息的会计理论和方法。 绿色会计是上世纪末产生的一门新兴会计学科。随着全球经济的发展,现代工业经济迅速增长,在这发展的过程中自然资源遭到过度开采,废弃物质被大量排放,这就使得人类的生存环境日益恶化。在我国这些茅盾显得犹为突出。主要是由于我国人口基数大,人均可供利用的自然资源又很少,况且在资源的配置与利用上又极不平衡,经济上东富西穷,资源上东贫西富;再加上我国国民的素质较为低下降,许多企业在发展过程中,只看眼前利益、自身利益,根本不会放眼未来,考虑社会效益以及环境效应。从而导致沙漠化日趋严重,黄河半途断流,长江淮河流域水污染十分严重等等。总之生态环境的恶化已向我们敲响了警钟,于是,在全球一场以保护环境、保护地球为宗旨的环境保护运动(或称绿色运动)由此兴起。与此相适应,许多国家的会计理论界不断将环境问题纳人会计研究的范畴。直接导致了环境会计或称绿色会计的产生,绿色会计理论也因此形成并得以发展。同时在我国会计学术界也掀起了实行绿色会计的研究。 企业可持续发展是既要考虑当前发展的需要,又要考虑未来发展的需要;不能以牺牲后期的利益为代价,来换取现在的发展,满足现在利益。同时可持续发展也包括面对不可预期的环境震荡,而持续保持发展趋势的一种发展观。因此作为社会最基本的、最重要的组成部分的企业,要想在追求自我生存和永续发展的过程中,既要考虑企业经营目标的实现和提高企业市场地位,又要保持企业在已领先的竞争领域和未来扩张的经营环境中始终保持持续的盈利增长,保证企业在相当长的时间内长盛不衰。就要在生产、营销和理财方面保持优势。 会计工作是企业存在和发展的基础和前提。而建立并实行绿色会计制度是企业实现可持续发展的必要保证。绿色会计的实质是要将企业在生产过程中所造成的牺牲环境质量的代价,与传统的财务会计理论方法有机结合,即在生产成本中,要将废物处置费用、环境恢复费用等等都计算在内,真实地再现企业的盈利水平。由于绿色会计的涉及面较广泛,加之某些要素不易量化,除以货币为计量单位以外,还要以实物单位和文字说明等描述性方式反映、报告、考核资源和环境成本与价值,评价企业经济活动以及取得的环境效益对企业财务成果和社会环境形成的近期、远期影响。 在实务操作中绿色会计与传统的企业财务会计主要不同之处在于: 绿色会计核算的目标范围大于传统的企业财务会计。传统的企业财务会计核算的根本目的就是实现企业自身利益最大化,不考虑社会效益和自身的非经济效益。而绿色会计的目标是促使企业在经营管理中高度重视生态环境和物质循环规律,合理开发和利用自然资源,在提高经济效益的同时,努力提高环境效益和社会效益。从而达到改善整个社会资源环境,提高社会总体效益的目的。 绿色会计的成本范围大于传统财务会计。传统的企业财务会计的成本核算仅限于企业在整个经济活动中所产生的经济成本,具体来说就是与经济活动有关的物质成本、人力成本和部分自然资源成本,没有或没有全部反映由于经济活动而带来的环境成本和自然资源成本。从而导致了虚夸的收益,进而鼓励了以牺牲环境、透支未来而取得当前利益的做法,导致企业只考虑眼前利益、短期利益,而无视企业的长期利益和未来的可持续发展。绿色会计的成本范围是按照企业的可持续发展的要求来确定的。它不仅反映了经济活动中的经济成本,也反映了经济活动所产生的非经济成本。如某些企业由于生产活动给社会生态环境带来的后果也要量化计入企业的成本。 绿色会计的效益范围大于传统财务会计。传统的财务会计认为企业最大的目标就是实现自身的经济效益最大化,而对于社会效益、环境效益等影响到社会发展以及企业发展的非经济效益则不予考虑。而绿色会计在注重经济效益的同时,也考虑社会效益和环境效益,认为只有实现三者效益的最大化,企业才有可能实现可持续发展。实现经济、社会和环境的“三赢”。 在目前状况下我国推行绿色会计应具备怎么样的条件呢?笔者认为: 一是全民素质的全面提高,尤其是领导者。我们周围的环境已不再是个人问题,而是关系到全社会全人类的生存与发展,这要求每个人都有较强的环保意识。二是完善科学的绿色会计方法体系。即是要解决传统会计方法与生态会计的许多估计之间的矛盾,同时制订各种环境绩效衡量指标。三是健全的环境保护的法律法规。以法律形式约束、规范人们的经济行为必须符合环境发展的需要。 只有具备了这些条件,才有可能在我国企业中推行绿色会计。现目前,我国政府部门也采取了许多激励措施。如国家发改委、财政部、国家税务总局于2006年9月12日发布了《国家鼓励的资源综合利用认定管理办法》。这个《办法》鼓励企业开展资源综合利用可以享受税收减免政策,这将极大地调动企业开展资源综合利用的积极性。在企业自身也越来越重视环境的保护及企业长远利益并且加大了这方面的投入,为企业的可持续发展奠定了基础。如:宁波宝新不锈钢有限公司,在一期工程和二期工程建设中,总投资97亿元,其中环保投入就达58亿元,在全公司上下形成了“保护环境是企业永恒的主题”的共识。再如全国人大代表、山东华泰集团董事长李建华深有感触地说:“从华泰集团近30年的企业发展实践中,我们深刻体会到,企业要基业长青,必须重视社会责任”。强调企业家的社会责任感,首先就要求对员工负责,对消费者负责,对社会资源环境负责。企业家都追求企业更高的利润,追求企业向更高的档次和更大的规模发展。但这一切并不是企业的最终目的,企业的使命是追求更加富裕、更加美好的社会。华泰致力于发展绿色环保生态纸业,走出一条根治污染和技、浆、纸一体化生产的道路,成为一个具有高度社会责任感的企业。 我们相信,随着社会经济的发展,会计与环境的联系会越来越强,用会计处理一些环境问题必然会成为当代和未来会计学发展的一大趋势。绿色会计已被专家预测为21世纪最具有光明前途的会计。企业只有实行绿色会计核算,才能真正走上可持续发展的道路。 参考文献: 朱丹论绿色会计的理论结构体系财会通讯 李祥义可持续发展战略下,绿色会计的系统化研究会计研究 杨宝嘉,唐雄绿色会计与企业的可持续发展理论月刊

Regarding money as the main measuring unit,green accounting is a new subject which does research in the connection between the economic development and the environment,ensuring,counting and recording the environmental pollution and the environmental prevention as well as developing and making use of the cost and fees,analyzing the environmental performance and the effects made by environmental activities on the coporations' financial All above are based on the laws about Under the guide of sustainable economic development,people pay more and more attention on the green accounting aimed at protecing the cost and worth of the entironment and providing entironment,which gains the agreement and certainty from more amd more With the development of chinese economy,green accounting will be valued day by day,and it will guide the practice of chinese economic development,enrich and complete the accounting theory to promote the rapid growth of chinese Key words:green accounting,sustainable development,accord 希望能帮上你!!!

Sustained economic development in our country today, with the green accounting measure of gross national product and production cost is an important manifestation of the sustainable development strategy, the real reflection of the environmental factors to the impact of the state and enterprises to promote economic and ecological environment the harmonious In the long run, China's economy in order to obtain long-term development must adopt green accounting to cost accounting, although the implementation of green accounting in China have a number of conditions, but there are still some gaps, this should accelerate the establishment of green accounting for China's economic development has a great theoretical and practical



Regarding money as the main measuring unit,green accounting is a new subject which does research in the connection between the economic development and the environment,ensuring,counting and recording the environmental pollution and the environmental prevention as well as developing and making use of the cost and fees,analyzing the environmental performance and the effects made by environmental activities on the coporations' financial All above are based on the laws about Under the guide of sustainable economic development,people pay more and more attention on the green accounting aimed at protecing the cost and worth of the entironment and providing entironment,which gains the agreement and certainty from more amd more With the development of chinese economy,green accounting will be valued day by day,and it will guide the practice of chinese economic development,enrich and complete the accounting theory to promote the rapid growth of chinese Key words:green accounting,sustainable development,accord 希望能帮上你!!!

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Regarding money as the main measuring unit,green accounting is a new subject which does research in the connection between the economic development and the environment,ensuring,counting and recording the environmental pollution and the environmental prevention as well as developing and making use of the cost and fees,analyzing the environmental performance and the effects made by environmental activities on the coporations' financial All above are based on the laws about Under the guide of sustainable economic development,people pay more and more attention on the green accounting aimed at protecing the cost and worth of the entironment and providing entironment,which gains the agreement and certainty from more amd more With the development of chinese economy,green accounting will be valued day by day,and it will guide the practice of chinese economic development,enrich and complete the accounting theory to promote the rapid growth of chinese Key words:green accounting,sustainable development,accord 希望能帮上你!!!

Sustained economic development in our country today, with the green accounting measure of gross national product and production cost is an important manifestation of the sustainable development strategy, the real reflection of the environmental factors to the impact of the state and enterprises to promote economic and ecological environment the harmonious In the long run, China's economy in order to obtain long-term development must adopt green accounting to cost accounting, although the implementation of green accounting in China have a number of conditions, but there are still some gaps, this should accelerate the establishment of green accounting for China's economic development has a great theoretical and practical




Sustained economic development in our country today, with the green accounting measure of gross national product and production cost is an important manifestation of the sustainable development strategy, the real reflection of the environmental factors to the impact of the state and enterprises to promote economic and ecological environment the harmonious In the long run, China's economy in order to obtain long-term development must adopt green accounting to cost accounting, although the implementation of green accounting in China have a number of conditions, but there are still some gaps, this should accelerate the establishment of green accounting for China's economic development has a great theoretical and practical

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