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《信息技术与信息化》双月刊 省级期刊, 主办:山东电子学会;《中国电子商情》 双月刊 国家级期刊,主办:中国电子器材总公司;《通讯世界》 半月刊 国家级期刊,主办:中国科技信息研究所;《电子技术与软件工程》 半月刊 国家级期刊,主办:中国电子学会;《数字化用户》省级刊物,四川科学技术学会主管、四川电脑推广协会 电脑商情报社主办;《中国新通信》半月刊 国家级刊物,工业和信息化部主管,电子工业出版社主办;。。。。。。挺多的,都是正规期刊,知网收录,国内外公开发行。这些刊物——中州期刊联盟网站都有合作,而且是直接跟杂志社编辑合作的。

你好EI检索期刊EI (工程索引)是全球范围内的一个数据库,主要收录工程技术领域的重要文献,包括期刊以及会议文献,另外也收录一些科技报告、专著等。EI收录包括三种类型:被EI核心收录、非核心收录(Pageone收录)、会议论文。检索类型EI源刊检索类型和EI检索会议的检索类型的区别及介绍。JA和CA的区别:EI主要收录工程技术领域的重要文献,包括期刊以及会议文献,另外也收录一些科技报告、专著等。EI收录包括三种类型:被EI核心收录、非核心收录(Pageone收录)、会议论文。 从2009年起已经没有核心检索和非核心检索的区别,现在全是核心检索。但是还分为期刊检索和会议检索。也就是源刊JA类型,会议CA类型。在职称评审和校科技部每年奖励中,只认可被EI核心收录的文章(EI光盘版)。EI Village是一个数据库平台,包含两个数据库(EI和Inspec),所以首先把Inspec前面的勾去掉。下图(没有图)是区分JA类型和CA类型的方法。若判断为Document type: Conference article(CA),则为会议论文。若判断为Document type: Journal article(JA),则为期刊论文。目前来说,EI期刊源刊基本是JA类型。 评职称时档次高于EI会议类型。




B2B eMarketplaceAnnouncements and Shareholder WealthThe advent of the Internet as an instrument for business commerce has fundamentally altered the economy by ushering in increased efficiencies and more transparent Since businesses started conducting Internet transactions in 1995,the growth has been Forrester Research estimates that worldwide electronic commerce(e-commerce)revenues were about$650 billion in 2000 and projects they will grow to$8 trillion by The greatest impact is in the businessto-business(B2B)sector,where new supply chain models within electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces)enable companies to significantly lower procurement costs and increase operating B2B eMarketplaces streamline the supply chain by making better use of more The time it takes to match buyers and sellers can be radically reduced,precautionary inventory levels can be lowered,and the range of potential suppliers and distribution outlets can be expanded as geographic boundaries Projections of online B2B revenues differ vastly,primarily because defining what counts and how to count it varies But despite these differences,forecasters agree that online B2B trade will grow B2B e-commerce is generally believed to account for about 80 to 90 percent of total e-commerce Forecasts typically project USline B2B revenues of about$2 trillion by 2003,up from roughly$336 billion in B2B e-commerce is expected to impact the USy Brookes and Wahhaj(2000)argue that the rapid growth of B2B e-commerce will have an economic impact over and above that of the normal process of innovation and productivity They suggest that as a result of B2B e-commerce,annual GDP growth in the large industrialized countries should rise an average 25 percent for the next ten years—with the level of GDP eventually 5 percent higher than it would otherwise have Brookes and Wahhaj conclude that the dominant long-run effect of B2B e-commerce will be on output and equity markets,rather than on inflation and bond 全文内容省略Investors should respond favorably to announcements of new B2B e-commerce initiatives,as long as they believe these moves will ultimately result in higher profits and increased productivity without fueling We examine the potential impact of B2B e-commerce initiatives on the New Economy paradigm using the efficient markets hypothesis(Fama et 1969),which implies stock prices reflect all available information about individual companies and about the economy as a Information is the key So in efficient capital markets,prices will immediately adjust to reflect any new Thus,B2B e-commerce announcements should immediately raise stock prices if investors believe a firm’s value will be increased by higher net future cash flows resulting from higher productivity,lower costs, or higher




我刚好也这专业的我记得有一个什么论文网 全是PDF格式的论文 好像新注册可以免费下载5篇的 毕竟久了 记不太清什么网你慢慢找吧 那里文献很多


《前沿科技:电子信息》、《电子工程信息》、《电子信息技术基础实验》、《跨入新世纪:电子信息类专业教学改革之路》、《电子信息研究 信息技术 2002》等。可以学习一下……




我刚好也这专业的我记得有一个什么论文网 全是PDF格式的论文 好像新注册可以免费下载5篇的 毕竟久了 记不太清什么网你慢慢找吧 那里文献很多


你可以在google 学术里去搜索你要的论文,你可以把你想要搜的关键词翻译成英文的,然后在google学术里搜索,有些是可以下载的!因为我经常用!希望被采纳!


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