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Time magazine was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the United S[2] The two had previously worked together as chairman and managing editor of the Yale Daily News and considered calling the magazine F[3] Hadden was a rather carefree figure, who liked to tease Luce and saw Time as something important but also That accounts for its tone, which many people still criticize as too light for serious news and more suited to its heavy coverage of celebrities (including politicians), the entertainment industry, and pop It set out to tell the news through people, and for many decades the magazine's cover was of a single The first issue of Time was published on March 2, 1923, featuring on its cover Joseph G Cannon, the retired Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; a facsimile reprint of Issue N 1, including all of the articles and advertisements contained in the original, was included with copies of the February 28, 1938 issue as a commemoration of the magazine's 15th [4] On Hadden's death in 1929, Luce became the dominant man at Time and a major figure in the history of 20th-century According to Time I: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1972–2004 by Robert Elson, "Roy Edward Larsen […] was to play a role second only to Luce's in the development of Time I" In his book, The March of Time, 1935–1951, Raymond Fielding also noted that Larsen was "originally circulation manager and then general manager of Time, later publisher of Life, for many years president of Time, I, and in the long history of the corporation the most influential and important figure after L"Around the time they were raising US$100,000 from rich Yale alumni like Henry P Davison, partner of JP Morgan & C, publicity man Martin Egan and JP Morgan & C banker Dwight Morrow, Henry Luce and Briton Hadden hired Larsen in 1922 – although Larsen was a Harvard graduate and Luce and Hadden were Yale After Hadden died in 1929, Larsen purchased 550 shares of Time I, using money he obtained from selling RKO stock which he had inherited from his father, who was the head of the BF Keith theatre chain in New E However, after Briton Hadden's death, the largest Time I stockholder was Henry Luce, who ruled the media conglomerate in an autocratic fashion, "at his right hand was Larsen," Time I's second-largest stockholder, according to "Time I: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941" In 1929, Roy Larsen was also named a Time I director and a Time I vice- JP Morgan retained a certain control through two directorates and a share of stocks, both over Time and F Other shareholders were Brown Brothers W A Harriman & C, and The New York Trust Company (Standard Oil)By the time of Henry Luce's death in 1967, the Time I stock which Luce owned was worth about US$109 million and yielded him a yearly dividend income of more than US$4 million, according to The World of Time Inc: The Intimate History Of A Changing Enterprise 1960–1989 by Curtis P The value of the Larsen family's Time I stock was now worth about $80 million during the 1960s and Roy Larsen was both a Time I director and the chairman of its Executive Committee, before serving as Time I's vice-chairman of the board until the middle of According to the September 10, 1979 issue of The New York Times, "M Larsen was the only employee in the company's history given an exemption from its policy of mandatory retirement at age "After Time magazine began publishing its weekly issues in March 1923, Roy Larsen was able to increase its circulation by utilizing US radio and movie theaters around the It often promoted both "Time" magazine and US political and corporate According to The March of Time, as early as 1924, Larsen had brought Time into the infant radio business with the broadcast of a 15-minute sustaining quiz show entitled Pop Question which survived until " Then, according to the same book, "In 1928 […] Larsen undertook the weekly broadcast of a 10-minute programme series of brief news summaries, drawn from current issues of Time magazine […] which was originally broadcast over 33 stations throughout the United S"Larsen next arranged for a 30-minute radio programme, The March of Time, to be broadcast over CBS, beginning on March 6, Each week, the programme presented a dramatisation of the week's news for its listeners, thus Time magazine itself was brought "to the attention of millions previously unaware of its existence," according to Time I: The Intimate History Of A Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941, leading to an increased circulation of the magazine during the Between 1931 and 1937, Larsen's The March of Time radio programme was broadcast over CBS radio and between 1937 and 1945 it was broadcast over NBC radio – except for the 1939 to 1941 period when it was not People Magazine was based on Time's People Time became part of Time Warner in 1989 when Warner Communications and Time, I Jason McManus succeeded Henry Grunwald in 1988 as Editor-in-Chief and oversaw the transition before Norman Pearlstine succeeded him in [edit] 2000sSince 2000, the magazine has been part of AOL Time Warner, which subsequently reverted to the name Time Warner in In 2007, Time moved from a Monday subscription/newsstand delivery to a schedule where the magazine goes on sale Fridays, and is delivered to subscribers on S The magazine actually began in 1923 with Friday During early 2007, the year's first issue was delayed for approximately a week due to "editorial " The changes included the job losses of 49 [5]In 2009, Time announced that they were introducing a personalised print magazine, Mine, mixing content from a range of Time Warner publications based on the reader's The new magazine met with a poor reception, with criticism that its focus was too broad to be truly [6]



唉 我们现在老师要求每人要订的呢 都是用来做题目的啦

空中英语教室,我初中时开始用,配合起TV PROGRAMM 比较好

经济学人(THE ECONOMIST)简介:《经济学人》1843年创刊于英国。是一份包含新闻、政治经济观点和深度分析的周刊。该杂志所有的文章都不署名,皆由集体创作。The Economist字体和鲜红的底色,秉承了刊物创始人James Wilson一贯倡导的朴实无华的作风。一个多世纪以来《经济学人》始终恪守创始人James Wilson的办刊思想:“在文章中提出的任何争论和主张必须要经得起事实的考验”。《经济学人》读者定位为高收入、富有独立见解和批判精神的社会精英,与此相适应,文章始终保持了一种独特的格调:不拘一格、叙述朴实、用词准确和忠于事实。这是一本国际性的杂志,许多重量级人物在看它。它还是一本有趣的杂志。很多人一听到经济学这几个字就会退避三舍。其实,除了一些我们不熟悉的题材外,其中的大多数文章写得机智,幽默,有力度。客观公正是经济学家杂志的的生命所在。公司的构成禁止任何组织或个人获得杂志半数以上的持股权。经济学家的文章都为匿名写作,就象它的主编们认为的那样:写出了什么东东,比出自谁的手笔更重要。贴心提示:经济学人分为各大洲的板块,内容以政治军事经济商业教育为主。基本词汇量4000-6000,5000以上基本能流畅阅读。时代周刊(TIME MAGAZINE)美国《时代》周刊简介:美国影响最大的新闻周刊,是美国三大时事性周刊之一,内容广泛,对国际问题发表主张和对国际重大事件进行跟踪报道,在美国颇有影响力,有世界“史库”之称。1923年3月由亨利R卢斯和布里顿哈登创办。刊名最初为《事实》,后改用现名,由时代华纳公司在纽约出版。该刊的宗旨是要使“忙人”能够充分了解世界大事。并辟有多种栏目,如经济、教育、法律、批评、体育、宗教、医药、艺术、人物、书评和读者来信等。刊物大量使用图片和图表,是美国第一份用叙述体报道时事,打破报纸、广播对新闻垄断的大众性期刊,其编排广为国内外新闻杂志所效仿。读者主要是中产阶级和知识阶层。该刊拥有一批精明能乾的撰稿人记者,还有一支庞大的研究人员队伍。覆盖面遍布全世界。《时代》的发行量远远超过《新闻周刊》、《美国新闻与世界报道》等类似的周刊。《时代》每年推出的《时代词汇》,在某种意义上已成为美国语言变迁的记录。语言学的专家们甚至指出:“要学好美语,读《时代》杂志乃是一条捷径。”其杂志之影响,可见一斑。贴心提示:这是一本适合美语学习者精读的杂志,内容丰富,杂志主要以叙述体描述最新的世界事件,内容丰富,信息量庞大,可作为优秀泛读教材。《科学美国人》(Scientific American)《科学美国人》(英文原名:Scientific American,缩写:Sci Am)是美国一本很受欢迎的科普杂志,始于1845年8月28日,起先是每周出版,后改为每月出版。它是美国历史上最长的、一直连续出版的杂志。目前为止,有143位诺贝尔奖得主撰稿。贴心提示:老牌优秀科普杂志,对科技前沿感兴趣的同学重点推荐,雅思文章既脱胎于此,内容十分丰富,值得作为优秀泛读材料。

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1、era英 [ˈɪərə]   美 [ˈɪrə]  时代;年代;纪元;代(地质年代,宙下分代)例句:We are living in a great historic  我们正处在一个伟大的历史时代。该单词是外来词,1615年进入英语,直接源自晚期拉丁语的ra,意为纪元。常见短语1、transitional era 过渡时期2、the Christian〔Common〕 era 公元3、bring in an era 迎来一个时代4、create〔open up〕 an era 开创〔开辟〕一个时代扩展资料词义辨析:age,epoch,era,period,times这些名词均含“时期、时代”之意。区别如下:1、age常指具有显著特征或以某杰出人物命名的历史时代或时期。2、epoch正式用词,侧重指以某重大事件或巨大变化为起点的新的历史时期。3、era书面语用词,指历史上的纪元、年代,可与epoch和age互换,侧重时期的延续性和整个历程。4、period最普通用词,概念广泛,时间长短不限,既可指任何一个历史时期,又可指个人或自然界的一个发展阶段。5、times侧重某一特定时期。

Times magazine

TIME 即可~~~~~~~~~~:)


read a magazine

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Read magazines[原文]看杂志

times ageeraepochperiod





成长是一杯茶水,需要我们慢慢品,细细饮,才能品出其甜蜜,饮出其苦涩…… 午后,捧着一杯绿茶,淡雅的茶香,让我看到近日的一幕。 她是经常与我吵架的对象。不幸的是,这学期的座位恰好安排和她坐,真是不是冤家不碰头。这日晨读,她忘带了英语书。她用可怜巴巴的眼神望向正在读书的我。我看看她,她并没有开口说话,可我心中早已觉察。“要不要借她一起看呢?”我默想,“她又没问我借,为什么要给她一起看。”平日的矛盾促使我反对这种作法。然而,我又想,书中的道理、老师的教诲到哪去了呢?难道“互相帮助”只是一个随便喊的口号吗?矛盾是有,互助倒真,友谊尚存。经过一番心理斗争,我终还是把书挪了过去,示意与她一同看。她抚过书,抬头看着我,我俩传递了一个暖意的微笑。 是啊,我长大了,也学会了微笑。 夜晚,桌上摆着一杯红茶,浓郁的味感沁入心脾,品上一口,涩涩的,亦令人感伤无穷。 节假期间,我仰慕上了一位网友,从他的言谈中,我迷恋上了这种感觉。然而,功课繁重,我不能沉迷于这种感觉。于是,我抑制自己不再上网,尽管,有时忍不住,常会偷偷开启电脑,但每当想起他对我说的话:“好好上课,好好考试!”我总又会回到现实中来,捧起书来,认真阅读。 每每关上房门,上床睡觉时,我总抑制不住自己的感情,也时常姗然泪下…… 是啊,我长大了,亦学会了思念与哭泣。 如果说童真是无瑕的美,那么长大就更是一道亮丽的美。我学着享受其中,酸、甜、苦、辣,同样萦绕着长大的我。

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