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这些都是国外网站上的,没有中文翻译的,看不懂的话试试翻译器,查查字典什么的,我要是给你翻译怕误导你。Zara: Cool Clothes Now, Not Later Ask any urban European female under the age of 30 and chances are she has shopped at Zara, the clothier whose inexpensive but stylish offerings have attracted a cult Zara also sells men’s fashions, again aimed at the stylish and Mathieu Soto, a college tennis player from France with dark eyes and devastating good looks, was asked to compare Zara to The Gap, the US - based clothing giant with a major presence in E His response: “I don’t I’ve never shopped at The G”Most US young adults have never shopped at Zara, but that seems likely to change in the near In the past five years Zara has grown from 179 stores mostly in Spain to 450 stores in 29 countries including the United States and C Zara now has stores in New York, New Jersey, Miami, and Toronto—with more on the While Zara is unlikely to displace The Gap in the US market, they are certain to offer US consumers an option previously unavailable to They have a sound if unusual marketing strategy in which logistics plays an important Logistics also plays an important role in Zara’s growth plans, notably its expansion into the US Zara’s Marketing StrategyZara’s marketing strategy focuses on product variety, speed-to-market, and store It is also notable for what it Zara does not advertise in the traditional If you want to find out what’s currently available at the Zara stores you have two options: go to the web site or go to the Zara puts 10,000 different items on the store shelves in a single It can take a new style from concept to store shelf in 10-14 days in an industry where nine months is the In its primary European markets, Zara locates its stores close Visitors comment that Zara in Madrid is like Starbucks in a major US city—you see another store on every street Zara’s Toronto store is located just north of the center of downtown in a major shopping district dense with malls and lined with stand-alone stores and giant office The potential for intense competition is “These office buildings are full of the people we want as We want them to stop in at lunch or after We want to see them often, so we have to change what we have on the shelves,” said Zara’s Toronto store “They could shop in a lot of other stores, so we have to make it worth their time to come ”This also helps explain why the company does not If a Zara customer wants to know what Zara has, he or she must go to the The stock changes often, with most items staying on the shelf for only a month, so the customer often finds something new and By the same token, if the customer finds nothing to buy this visit, the store’s regular customers know that tomorrow or next week—sometime soon—new goods will be on Zara’s That makes it worth another Zara relies heavily on store employees for market If a customer looks at a sweater and comments, “That would look really nice with a cowl collar,” an employee can relay that information to Spain where managers decide whether or not to produce the suggested If they decide to make it, they can put it on the shelf in Toronto in two weeks or less, partly because they ship by Ocean shipping would add at least another ten days to the time it takes to get the product in front of the customer, undermining the speed-to-market and product variety The Role of LogisticsPutting the variety of goods on the shelves in Toronto and other North American stores requires an unusual, though not unique, logistics strategy for the fashion Zara air expresses goods from its single distribution center in Spain, usually in small In the 1970’s, The Limited used a similar strategy to support its test marketing, air expressing small quantities of new styles from Asia to US In Zara’s strategy, however, the speedy shipments are part of the core strategy, not just test Zara also ships frequently, allowing lower inventories while serving its multinational market from a single distribution center in S“We receive shipments o n Tuesday and Saturday, which means that we have different items in the store at least twice a While each shipment replenishes items that sell well, each also includes new That’s why our customers come in often,” the Toronto store manager “We might get ten of one item and five of We’re constantly ”The density of Zara’s store locations in Europe helps achieve logistics They can fill trucks for frequent shipment in markets close to production and ship larger quantities by air to more distant Zara keeps transportation costs low on the supply side, since most of the production takes place in S This contrasts radically to most large fashion manufacturers, which rely on low cost manufacturing in Asia and South America, but then pay higher inventory costs and move goods to market more The air express strategy also allows Zara to maintain a multinational market presence with only one distribution They trade higher transportation costs for lower warehousing and inventory Add to this the idea that fast transportationsupports the product-innovation strategy that is the heart of Zara’s marketing, and the importance of logistics in Zara’s marketing strategy is The Results and the FutureZara’s parent company, Inditex, reached $7 billion in 2001 This made it the fastest growing clothing manufacturer in the Zara, Inditex’s fastest growing division, turns its inventory twice as fast as major competitors, with an inventory-to-sales of 7% compared to an industry average of 14% Their profitability in European operations (15%) is fifty percent higher than that of its major Zara manufactures 80% of its clothing in Europe, with most of the remaining 20% is sourced in MWhile top managers are understandably closed-mouthed about their plans, Zara seems ideally positioned to penetrate the US market in a major With some manufacturing already in Mexico, they could easily open a second distribution center aimed directly at the US This would make their youth-oriented styles widely available in the world’s most lucrative Question 1 – Zara’s Business Model and Competitive AnalysisZara, the most profitable brand of Inditex SA, the Spanish clothing retail group, opened its first store in 1975 in La Coruña, Spain; a city which eventually became the central headquarters for Zara’s global Since then they have expanded operations into 45 countries with 531 stores located in the most important shopping districts of more than 400 cities in Europe, the Americas, Asia and A Throughout this expansion Zara has remained focused on its core fashion philosophy that creativity and quality design together with a rapid response to market demands will yield profitable In order to realized these results Zara developed a business model that incorporated the following three goals for operations: develop a system the requires short lead times, decrease quantities produced to decrease inventory risk, and increase the number of available styles and/or These goals helped to formulate a unique value proposition: to combine moderate prices with the ability to offer new clothing styles faster than its These three goals helped to shape Zara’s current business Zara’s Business ModelZara’s business model can be broken down into three basic components: concept, capabilities, and value Zara’s fundamental concept is to maintain design, production, and distribution processes that will enable Zara to respond quickly to shifts in consumer José María Castellano, CEO of Inditex stated that "the fashion world is in constant flux and is driven not by supply but by customer We need to give consumers what they want, and if I go to South America or Asia to make clothes, I simply can't move fast " This highlights the importance of this quick response time to Zara’s Capabilities of Zara, or the required resources needed to exploit the opportunities and execute this conceptual strategy, are numerous for Z Zara maintains tight control over their production processes keeping design and manufacturing in-house or with some strategic partnerships located nearby H Currently, Zara maintains 80% of its production processes in Europe, 50% in Spain which is very close to La Coruña They have strategic agreements with local manufacturers that ensure timely delivery and Through these strategic partnerships and the benefits brought by this proximity of manufacturing and operational processes, Zara maintains the flexibility necessary to design and produce over 12000 new items This capability allows Zara to achieve their strategy of expedited response to consumer Value drivers for Zara are both tangible and intangible in the benefits that are returned to all Tangibly, Inditex, the parent company of Zara, has 02% net margin on operations and their market capitalization (Equity – market value) is �13, 981 (in thousands) in Their net working capital (current assets – current liabilities) is �133 (in thousands) Additionally, the success of Zara can be demonstrated through their outstanding financial From 1996 to 2000, Inditex SA tripled their corporate profits and in 2001, a year of overall economic downturn in the retail industry, Inditex SA saw a 31% increase in Intangibly, customer loyalty and brand recognition have provided significant value to Z The number of consumers they attract continues to rise and their brand is synonymous with the cutting edge of fashion at affordable The successful implementation of Zara’s business model provides great value to stakeholders and differentiates their business from their Competitive AdvantageFundamental to Zara’s success is their commitment to rapid response in customer trends in fashion, producing clothing often and with short life spans (10 wears) Their commitment to this goal and the capabilities that they have developed to achieve it, have provided significant competitive advantage to Zara especially in the areas of product development, strategic partnerships and cost of production, advertising and marketing, and information technology The efficiencies and processes developed in these four functions differ significantly from their competitors and stand out in providing additional value and profitability to ZFigure 1: Zara’s Business ModelProduct DevelopmentZara’s unique approach to product development is instrumental to their Zara gives store managers significant autonomy in both determining the products to display in their stores and which to place on sale, and relaying market research and store trends back to their headquarters in La Coruñ At headquarters there are teams of commercials who take this information into account to design and effectively plan and produce all of Zara’s Zara maintains a design team of 200 people, all of which produce approximately 12,000 new styles per year for Z The process of obtaining market information and relaying it to design and production teams expedites product development by shortening the throughput time of a product to 3-4 weeks from design to This process is very different from its Many competitors rely on a small elite design team that plans both design and production needs well in Stores have little autonomy in deciding which products to display or put on sale because Headquarters plans accordingly and ships quantities as Zara’s speed to market in product development exceeds the capabilities of its This in itself provides additional value to stakeholders, customers, and stores in producing quality clothing at affordable prices Zara’s product development capabilities are essential to Zara’s business strategy and future Strategic Partnerships and Cost of ProductionIn comparison to competitors, Zara’s business strategy, in regards to strategic partnerships and cost of production, provide for a strategic competitive Zara, unlike its competitors such as Gap, Benetton, and H&M, does not use Asian Eighty percent of Zara’s materials are manufactured in Europe, with 50% made in Zara controlled facilities in the Galicia region of Spain near Most of Zara’s competitors have 100% outsourcing to cheap Asian Though the cost of production in Spain is 17-20% more expensive than Asia, Zara does have a competitive advantage over its competitors in regards to The local strategic partnerships that Zara maintains with manufacturers in Europe allow for a product throughput time of 3-4 weeks from conception to To make this happen, the company designs and cuts its fabric in-house and it acquires fabrics in only four colors to keep costs Zara postpones dyeing and printing designs until close to manufacture, thereby reducing waste and minimizing the need to clear unsold The proximity of these suppliers gives Zara great flexibility in adapting their product lines based on up to date market trends and consumer It also decreases costs of holding Zara’s competitors, through outsourcing to Asian countries such as China, sacrifice the benefits of proximity for low labor and production Though there is a cost advantage in their approach in regards to labor, the lack of flexibility in changing orders based on current trends hinders their operational Inventory costs are higher for competitors because orders are placed for a whole season well in advance and then held in distribution facilities until periodic shipment to This proximity effect and the flexibility that it gives Zara is fundamental to their basic concept to respond quickly to shifts in consumer demand and has provided them with a competitive edge in comparison to their Advertising and MarketingZara’s unique approach to advertising and marketing is an additional factor within their business model that adds to their Zara spends 3% of total revenues on advertising and This is significantly less then their competitors who on average spend 3-4% of their total revenues on similar Hence, Zara maintains a cost advantage to their competitors in marketing In order to effectively complete with their peers Zara uses location, store layout, and product life cycles to act as their marketing tool to For instance, Zara strategically locates all of their stores in prime retail districts for visibility Additionally, because of the product development cycles mentioned earlier, customers are trained to visit Zara stores often because new items are presented weekly and are often not This feeling of scarcity encourages customers to come to the stores and buy Lastly, in order to keep the stores looking fresh and trendy; Zara invests heavily in their store They have a testing facility nearby their headquarters in Spain where different types of store layouts are Each Zara store is remodeled every 5 years in order to keep up with current Zara does not invest heavily in direct marketing, though their efforts in image/brand marketing do a great deal to attract a loyal customer Their cost advantage and ability to maintain brand recognition and customer loyalty are essential elements of Zara’s capabilities that build value in the Information and Communication TechnologiesZara’s information and communication protocols are significantly different from its Zara spends less than 5% of total revenue on IT and IT employees account for only 5% of Zara’s total This differs from their competitors who spend on average 2% of total revenue on IT expenditures and have 5% of their total workforce devoted to IT Zara utilizes human intelligence (from store managers and market research) and information technology (such as their PDA devices) in order to have a hybrid model for information flow from stores to For example, managers at Zara stores use handheld devices to send standardized information regarding customer feedback and ordering needs directly to in-house This not only keeps Zara's designers informed of fast-changing customer trends and demand, but also provides the company with insight on less-desirable Unlike Zara’s hybrid model (which incorporates human intelligence and IT applications), competitors rely almost completely on information Zara’s unique approach of human intelligence assisted IT solutions results in well-managed inventories, linkages between demand and supply, and reduced costs from obsolete merchandise; however, there is still room for improvement in their IT processes to realize more effective management of inventory Hence, the hybrid information and communication system that Zara uses provides cost advantages to Zara’s operations and helps to abide by their fundamental principle to have the ability to rapidly respond to changes in consumer Zara’s concept, capabilities, and value drivers, as demonstrated through their business model, have proven to be extremely Their resistance to outsourcing, concentration on core operations and production capabilities, and focus on the pulse of fashion have made them one of the most successful clothing In the event of future global expansion, their future success and sustainability will be drawn into They will need to adapt their business capabilities of product development, strategic partnerships and cost of production, marketing and advertising, and information and communication technologies in order to adjust to increasing global Question 2 – Key Decision Makers and Information Management in OperationsThe key decision makers in the ordering process on the face of it are the store managers and the commercials at the HQ However, there are certain issues that need to be addressed The store manager’s decision influence on the replenishment of garments is limited to a single order (twice a week) based on manually auditing the quantities required for the This information is subsequently sent to the HQ Although they are the decision makers in this case, the order is still In the fulfillment phase of the operations, the aggregated demand is ascertained and the supply is allocated according to past performance of the various garments at the 还有这个pdf版的:_Zara_Part_IIpdf这些是不是你想要的呢?



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一、 商品销售 研究市场营销职能,经验的做法是从商品销售入手。美国市场营销协会定义委员会1960年曾发表过这样一个定义:“市场营销是引导商品或劳务从生产者流向消费者或其使用者的一种企业活动。”这个定义虽不承认市场营销就是销售,但是认为市场营销包含着销售,也包含着对商品销售过程的改进与完善。许多学者认为这个定义过于狭窄,不能充分展示市场营销的功能。然而,不论其是否恰当,这个定义清楚地揭示了市场营销与商品销售的关系。商品销售对于企业和社会来说,具有两种基本功能,一是将企业生产的商品推向消费领域;一是从消费者那里获得货币,以便对商品生产中的劳动消耗予以补偿。企业是为了提高人们的生活水平而采用先进生产组织方式进行社会化生产的产物。在资源短缺的现实经济中,它通过在一定程度上实现资源集中和生产专业化,能够利用规模经济规律来提高生产效率,创造和传播新的生活标准。商品销售是生产效率提高的最终完成环节,即通过这个环节把企业生产的产品转移到消费者手上,满足其生活需要。在另一方面,社会选择市场和商品交换方式,在企业转让产品给消费者的同时,通过让企业获得货币,是因为社会需要保持企业生产经营的连续,以便更多地获得提高生产效率的好处。通过商品销售,让商品变为货币,社会可以为企业补充和追加投入生产要素,而企业因此也获得了生存和发展的条件。 商品销售十分重要。企业需要尽最大努力来加强这一职能。其具体的活动包括:寻找和识别潜在顾客,接触与传递商品交换意向信息,谈判,签订合同,交货和收款,提供销售服务。然而,进行商品销售是有条件的。要顺利进行商品交换的有关条件包括:(1)至少有两个主体,他们分别拥有在自己看来是价值相对较低、但在对方看来具有更高价值的有价物(商品、服务的货币),并且愿意用自己所拥有之物来换取对方所拥有的有价物;(2)他们彼此了解对方所拥有的商品的质量和生产成本;(3)他们相互之间可以有效地进行意见沟通。例如洽谈买卖条件,达成合同;(4)交易发生后他们都能如意地消费和享受所得之物。但是常常发现,这些条件不是处处成立的,因此企业经常会面临销售困难的局面。为了有效地组织商品销售,将企业生产的商品更多地销售出去,营销部门就不能仅仅只做销售工作,还必须进行市场调查研究、组织整体营销、开发市场需求等活动,而且要等到后面这些工作取得一定效果以后,才进行商品销售。 First, merchandise sales Research marketing functions, experience from the practice of selling goods American Marketing Association definition of the Commission in 1960 had published such a definition: "Marketing is to guide producers of goods or services from consumers or users of the flow of a business " This definition does not recognize the marketing is marketing, But that marketing includes sales, also includes the sale of goods to improve and perfect the Many scholars believe that this definition is too narrow, can not fully demonstrate the functions of However, regardless of whether they are appropriate, this definition clearly reveals the marketing and merchandising Sales of goods for business and society, has two basic functions, the first enterprise to the production of consumer goods areas; First, from the consumer to obtain money, goods to the production of labor compensation to be Enterprises is to improve people's living standards and the use of advanced production organization conducted a product of social The reality of the shortage of resources in the economy, it adopted a certain extent, to achieve the concentration of resources and production specialization, to take advantage of economies of scale to improve productivity, create and disseminate new standard of Sales of goods is more efficient production of the final links, through this part of the production of products transferred to the hands of consumers to meet their On the other hand, social choice markets and commodity exchange, the transfer of enterprise products to consumers at the same time, through which enterprises will be able currency, because society needs to maintain a continuous enterprise production and management, to improve access to the benefits of improved production efficiency Through the sale of goods, commodities into money, social enterprises can add and additional input factors of production, and the corporate therefore also has been the survival and development Sales of goods is very Enterprises need to make the greatest efforts to strengthen this Their specific activities include: find and identify potential customers, contacts and exchange of goods intention to convey information, negotiations, contracts, delivery and collection, provide marketing However, sales of goods is To smooth the commodity exchange the conditions include: (1) at least two of the main, they were in their possession appears to be relatively low value, but on the other side seems to have a higher value of the price of (goods, services Currency), and is willing to use their own were owned by owned by the other party in exchange for the valuables, (2) by their mutual understanding of each other's product quality and production costs, (3) between them can be effectively conducted an opinion C For example, negotiate terms, a contract, (4) After the transaction can be smug in their consumption and enjoyment of the But often found that these conditions are not set up everywhere, and therefore enterprises often face the difficult sales In order to effectively merchandise sales organizations, enterprises will be more production of goods sold, marketing departments can not be only on the sale, must also conduct market research, marketing organization as a whole, the development of market demand and other activities, but we have to wait until after these Achieved a certain effect, the only commodity


回答 您好,一、销售目标: 信息传播最大化 媒体覆盖最大化 经济效益最大化 二、销售策略: 我们把目标市场定为珠江三角洲地区,深圳本地和港澳地区为第二市场,而外省游客主要在春节期间出现,靠本地宣传提高来访量。 我们应当采取以下策略进行销售: 1、确定目标市场并划分主要的区域,根据不同的时期、不同的人群对兵马俑产生吸引的不同角度,采用平面宣传、文化挖掘、巡回展示等方式,进行市场营销。 2、借助兵马俑对香港市场的特殊吸引(特别是香港人、学生对中国古文化的向往),选择一至两家旅行社,通过合适的合作方式(让对方进行宣传和推广),打开香港市场。或采用合适的宣传方式(和媒体合作),打开香港市场。 3、细分市场,根据每块市场的特点和不同节令特点,区分营销、宣传受众的不同需求,采用不同的方法、相应的宣传策略,进行宣传和营销。 4、在价格方面,提高价格虽然能提高利润,但也可能因此减少客流,我们可以在稳定原价格的基础上,采用提高入园人数来提高收入,同时可通过让利等方式借助中间商的宣传拉动,达到市场覆盖最大化。 三、市场分析: 1、 市场选定:珠江三角洲,广州,深圳,香港 。 2、 市场评估:珠江三角洲:营业额546万, 广州:营业额1049万, 深圳:营业额664万, 注:A以上数据来自02年总入园人数106万人,营业额3万元人民币。 的基础,有效细分的要求; B历史数据并没有香港市场,习惯将其和深圳市场划归一起。在这里将香港市场单另列出,是考虑到兵马俑在香港市场可能产生较好高效应,所以进行针对性的市场开拓。 3、 现状分析: 广州: ◆客源总量: 人口810万人,港澳侨胞135万人 ◆人均收入: 6万元。年人均消费14万元 ◆市场特点: 团队组团分为散客,企业团体、地接团三大块。 更多10条 

随着社会经济的发展,图书业已发展成为一种文化产业,在市场经济中有着其特殊的地位,也有着不同于其他商品的独特之处,这决定了图书营销要走自己的营销之路。尤其在市场产品极大丰富的环境下,图书营销策划应运而生,本文试图将市场营销理念与图书营销策划相结合,以便更好地指导和解释今后工作中出现的问题,更好地开展图书营销工作。   随着市场营销在经济活动中的日渐重要的地位的确立,营销界也在不断更新“营销”的概念,菲利普。科特勒早期从经济学微观指出,“市场营销是与市场有关的人类活动。市场营销意味着和市场打交道,为了满足人类需要和欲望,去实现潜在的交换”(《市场营销管理》第5版第13~14页)。菲利普。科特勒于1984年对市场营销又下了定义:市场营销是指企业的这种职能,“认识目前未满足的需要和欲望,估量和确定需求量大小,选择和决定企业能最好地为其服务的目标市场,并决定适当的产品、劳务和计划(或方案),以便为目标市场服务”(《市场营销管理》序言) 这一定义讲出了目前经济活动中营销的核心。市场营销策划正是基于这个核心概念,在企业长时期的市场运转中开展的营销活动的总体策划。   伴随着长期的市场营销实战,形成了各种营销理念,并且这种营销理念不断更新和发展演变,大致可以分为五个阶段,即:生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、市场营销观念和社会营销观念。   生产观念:生产观念认为,消费者喜欢那些可以随处买到而且价格低廉的产品,企业应致力于提高生产效率和分销效率,扩大生产,降低成本以扩展市场。这是一种重生产、轻市场营销的商业哲学,是最古老的观念。生产观念是在物资短缺、产品供不应求的卖方市场条件下产生的。   产品观念:产品观念认为,消费者最喜欢高质量、多功能和具有某种特色的产品,企业应致力于生产高值产品,并不断加以改进。产品观念产生于供不应求的卖方市场形势下,最容易滋生产品观念的莫过于当企业发明了一项新产品时。   推销观念:推销观念认为,消费者具有购买惰性或抗衡心理,不会足量购买企业的产品,企业必须积极推销和大力促销,以刺激消费者大量购买本企业产品。在现代市场经济条件下推销观念被大量用于推销那些非渴求物品,许多企业在产品(产能)过剩的时候,也常常奉行推销观念。推销观念产生于由卖方市场向买方市场过渡阶段。   市场营销观念:市场营销观念认为,实现企业各项目标的关键在于正确确定目标市场的需求和欲望,并且比竞争者更有效地传送目标市场所期望的物品或服务,进而比竞争者更有效地满足目标市场的需要和欲望。从本质上说,市场营销观念是一种以顾客需要和欲望为导向的哲学,是消费者主权论在企业营销管理的体现。最优秀的管理理论家彼。得鲁克曾指出:总有人认为推销是必要的,但市场营销正是使推销变得不必要。市场营销的目的是充分了解顾客,充分为顾客所了解。营销的理想结果是让顾客乐于购买。我们所要做的只是使产品和服务能让顾客方便地得到。   社会市场营销观念认为,企业的任务是确定各个目标市场的需要、欲望和利益,并以保护或提高消费者和社会福利的方式,比竞争者更有效、更有利地向目标市场提供能够满足其需要、欲望和利益的物品或服务。它要求市场营销者在制订市场营销政策时,要统筹兼顾三方面的利益,即企业利润

消费者购买行为与营销策略制定  摘要:对消费者购买行为的研究是营销者必做的功课之一。通过对消费者购买行为类型的研究,准确分析影响消费者购买行为的因素,进而制定适当的营销策略,这对营销者掌握市场营销的主动权具有重要的意义。  关键词:购买类型 营销策略 购买行为 购买决策  一、什么是消费者购买行为  消费者购买行为是指消费者为满足其个人或家庭生活而发生的购买商品的决策过程。消费者购买行为是复杂的,其购买行为的产生是受到其内在因素和外在因素的相互促进交互影响的。企业营销通过对消费者购买的研究,来掌握其购买行为的规律,从而制定有效的市场营销策略,实现企业营销目标。  二、消费者购买的类型及针对其的营销策略  阿萨尔(Assael)根据消费者的参与程度和产品品牌差异程度区分为以下四种类型 :  1、复杂的购买行为。如果消费者属于高度参与,并且了解现有各品牌、品种和规格之间具有的显著差异,则会产生复杂的购买行为。复杂的购买行为指消费者购买决策过程完整,要经历大量的信息收集、全面的产品评估、慎重的购买决策和认真的购后评价等各个阶段。    营销策略:  (1) 、制作产品说明书,帮助消费者及时全面了解本企业产品知识,产品优势及同类其它产品的状况,增强消费者对本企业产品的信心。  (2)、实行灵活的定价策略。  (3)、加大广告力度,创名牌产品。  (4)、运用人员推销,聘请训练有素,专业知识丰富的推销员推销产品,简化购买过程。  (5)、实行售后跟踪服务策略,加大企业与消费者之间的亲和力  2、减少失调感的购买行为。是指消费者并不广泛收集产品信息,并不精心挑选品牌,购买决策过程迅速而简单,但是在购买以后会认为自己所买产品具有某些缺陷或其他同类产品有更多的优点,进而产生失调感,怀疑原先购买决策的正确性。  营销策略:  (1)、价格公道、真诚服务、创名牌,树立企业良好形象。  (2)、选择最佳的销售地点。即与竞争对手同处一地,便于消费者选购。  (3)、采用人员推销策略,及时向消费者介绍产品的优势,化解消费者心中的疑虑,消除消费者的失落感。  3、寻求多样化的购买行为。指消费者购买产品有很大的随意性,并不深入收集信息和评估比较就决定购买某一品牌,在消费时才加以评估,但是在下次购买时又转换其他品牌。转换的原因是厌倦原口味或想试试新口味,是寻求产品的多样性而不一定有不满意之处。  营销策略:  (1)、采取多品牌策略,突出各种品牌的优势。多品牌决策是指企业在相同产品类别中同时为一种产品设计两种或两种以上互相竞争的品牌决策。此策略为宝洁公司首创,今天宝洁公司的洗发用品品牌众多,如飘柔、海飞丝、潘婷等。飘柔突出优势是柔顺头发,海飞丝突出优势是去头屑,潘婷是护理、营养头发。宝洁公司凭借强大的企业实力,多方位的广告宣传,使其品牌深入到消费者心中,创造了骄人业绩。:  (2)、价格拉开档次。  (3)、占据有利的货架位置,扩大本企业产品的货架面积,保证供应。  (4)、加大广告投入,树立品牌形象,使消费者形成习惯性购买行为。  4、习惯性的购买行为。指消费者并未深入收集信息和评估品牌,只是习惯于购买自己熟悉的品牌,在购买后可能评价也可能不评价产品。  营销策略:  (1)、产品改良,突出品牌效应。即增加产品新的用途与功能,保质保量,创立名牌。  (2)、价格优惠。  (3)、在居民区和人口流动性大的地区广设销售网点,使消费者随时随地购买。  (4)、加大促销力度。利用销售促进吸引新顾客,回报老顾客;在广告宣传上力争简洁明快,突出视觉符号与视觉形象。如生产绿茶的企业可以针对消费者绿色减肥,补充微量元素的心理特征,在广告宣传上突出绿茶的减肥功效,促销绿茶。  三、影响消费者购买行为的内在因素  影响消费者购买行为的内在因素很多,在此主要分析影响消费者购买的心理因素。消费者心理是消费者在满足需要活动中的思想意识,它支配着消费者的购买行为。影响消费者购买的心理因素有动机、感受、态度、学习。  (一)动机  1、需要引起动机。需要是人们对于某种事物的要求或欲望。就消费者而言,需要表现为获取各种物质需要和精神需要。马斯洛的“需要五层次”理论,即生理需要、安全需要、社会需要、尊重需要和自我实现的需要。需要产生动机,消费者购买动机是消费者内在需要与外界刺激相结合使主体产生一种动力而形成的。  2、购买动机的类型  动机是为了使个人需要满足的一种驱动和冲动。消费者购买动机是指消费者为了满足某种需要,产生购买商品的欲望和意念。购买动机可分为两类:  (1)生理性购买动机。生理性购买动机指由人们因生理需要而产生的购买动机,如饥思食、渴思饮、寒思衣,又称本能动机。包括:  ①维持生命动机;  ②保护生命动机动机;  ③延续和发展生命的动机。  生理动机具有经常性、习惯性和稳定性的特点。  (2)心理性购买动机。心理性购买动机是指人们由于心理需要而产生的购买动机。根据对人们心理活动的认识,以及对情感、意志等心理活动过程的研究,可将心理动机归纳为以下三类:  ①感情动机。指由于个人的情绪和情感心理方面的因素而引起的购买动机。根据感情不同的侧重点,可以其分为三种消费心理倾向:求新、求美、求荣。  ②理智动机。指建立在对商品的客观认识的基础上,经过充分的  分析比较后产生的购买动机。理智动机具有客观性、周密性的特点。在购买中表现为求实、求廉、求安全的心理  ③惠顾动机。指对特定的商品或特定的商店产生特殊的信任和偏好而形成的习惯重复光顾的购买动机。这种动机具有经常性和习惯性特点,表现为嗜好心理。  人们的购买动机不同,购买行为必然是多样的、多变的。要求企业营销深入细致地分析消费者的各种需求和动机,针对不同的需求层次和购买动机设计不同的产品和服务,制定有效的营销策略,获得营销成功。  (二)感受  消费者购买如何行动,还要看他对外界刺激物或情境的反映,这就是感受对消费者购买行为的影响。感受指的是人们的感觉和知觉。  所谓感觉,就是人们通过感官对外界的刺激物或情境的反应或印象。随着感觉的深入,各种感觉到的信息在头脑中被联系起来进行初步的分析综合,形成对刺激物或情境的整体反映,就是知觉。知觉对消费者的购买决策、购买行为影响较大。在刺激物或情境相同的情况下,消费者有不同的知觉,他们的购买决策、购买行为就截然不同。因为消费者知觉是一个有选择性的心理过程。(1)有选择的注意。(2)有选择的曲解。(3)有选择的记忆。  分析感受对消费者购买影响目的是要求企业营销掌握这一规律,充分利用企业营销策略,引起消费者的注意,加深消费者的记忆,正确理解广告,影响其购买。  (三)态度  态度通常指个人对事物所持有的喜欢与否的评价、情感上的感受和行动倾向。作为消费者态度对消费者的购买行为有着很大的影响。企业营销人员应该注重对消费者态度的研究。  消费者态度来源于:  (1)与商品的直接接触;  (2)受他人直接、间接的影响;  (3)家庭教育与本人经历。消费者态度包含信念、情感和意向,它们对购买行为都有各自的影响作用。  1、信念。指人们认为确定和真实的事物。在实际生活中,消费者不是根据知识,而常常是根据见解和信任作为他们购买的依据。  2、情感。指商品和服务在消费者情绪上的反应,如对商品或广告喜欢还是厌恶。情感往往受消费者本人的心理特征与社会规范影响。  3、意向。指消费者采取某种方式行动的倾向,是倾向于采取购买行动,还是倾向于拒绝购买。消费者态度最终落实在购买的意向上。  研究消费者态度的目的在于企业充分利用营销策略,让消费者了解企业的商品,帮助消费者建立对本企业的正确信念,培养对企业商品和服务的情感,让本企业产品和服务尽可能适应消费者的意向,使消费者的态度向着企业的方面转变。  (四)学习  学习是指由于经验引起的个人行为的改变。即消费者在购买和使用商品的实践中,逐步获得和积累经验,并根据经验调整自己购买行为的过程。学习是通过驱策力、刺激物、提 示物、反应和强化的相互影响、相互作用而进行的。  “驱策力”是诱发人们行动的内在刺激力量。例如,某消费者重视身份地位,尊重需要就是一种驱策力。这种驱策力被引向某种刺激物——高级名牌西服时,驱策力就变为动机。在动机支配下,消费者需要作出购买名牌西服的反应。但购买行为发生往往取决于周围的“提示物”,的刺激,如看了有关电视广告、商品陈列。他就会完成购买。如果穿着很满意的话,他对这一商品的反应就会加强,以后如果再遇到相同诱因时,就会产生相同的反应,即采取购买行为。如反应被反复强化,久之,就成为购买习惯了。这就是消费者的学习过程。  企业营销要注重消费者购买行为中“学习”这一因素的作用,通过各种途径给消费者提供信息,如重复广告,目的是达到加强诱因,激发驱策力,将人们的驱策力激发到马上行动的地步。同时,企业商品和提供服务要始终保持优质,消费者才有可能通过学习建立起对企业品牌的偏爱,形成其购买本企业商品的习惯。  四、影响消费者购买的外在因素  (一)相关群体  相关群体是指那些影响人们的看法、意见、兴趣和观念的个人或集体。研究消费者行为可以把相关群体分为两类:参与群体与非所属群体。  参与群体是指消费者置身于其中的群体,有两种两类:  (1)主要群体是指个人经常性受其影响的非正式群体,如家庭、亲密朋友、同事、邻居等。    (2)次要群体是指个人并不经常受到其影响的正式群体,如工会、职业协会等。  非所属群体是指消费者置身之外,但对购买有影响作用的群体。有两种情况,一种是期望群体,另一种是游离群体。期望群体是个人希望成为其中一员或与其交往的群体,游离群体是遭到个人拒绝或抵制,极力划清界线的群体。  (二)社会阶层  社会阶层是指一个社会按照其社会准则将其成员划分为相对稳定的不同层次。不同社会阶层的人,他们的经济状况、价值观念、兴趣爱好、生活方式、消费特点闲暇活动、接受大众传播媒体等各不相同。这些都会直接影响他们对商品、品牌、商店、购买习惯和购买方式。  企业营销要关注本国的社会阶层划分情况,针对不同的社会阶层爱好要求,通过适当的信息传播方式,在适当的地点,运用适当的销售方式,提供适当的产品和服务。  (三)家庭状况  一家一户组成了购买单位,我国现有24,400万左右的家庭,在企业营销中应关注家庭对购买行为的重要影响。研究家庭中不同购买角色的作用,可以利用有效营销策略,使企业的促销措施引起购买发起者的注意,诱发主要营销者的兴趣,使决策者了解商品,解除顾虑,建立购买信心,使购买者购置方便。研究家庭生命周期对消费购买的影响,企业营销可以根据不同的家庭生命周期阶段的实践需要,开发产品和提供服务。  (四)社会文化状况  每个消费者都是社会的一员,其购买行为必然受到社会文化因素的影响,文化因素有时对消费者购买行为起着决定性的作用。企业营销必须予以充分的关注。  结语:消费者市场是消费品生产经营企业市场营销活动的出发点和归宿点,也最终决定着工业品生产经营企业的市场需求水平。各类企业特别是消费品的生产经营企业要充分满足消费者需求、提高市场营销效益、实现企业发展的愿景,就必须深入研究消费者市场和消费者购买行为的规律性,并据此进行市场细分和目标市场选择,有的放矢地制定市场营销组合策略。




文献综述格式及写作技巧(附文献综述范文)文献综述是在对文献进行阅读、选择、比较、分类、分析和综合的基础上,研究者用自己的语言对某一问题的研究状况进行综合叙述的情报研究成果。文献的搜集、整理、分析都为文献综述的撰写奠定了基础。文献综述格式一般包括:文献综述的引言:包括撰写文献综述的原因、意义、文献的范围、正文的标题及基本内容提要;文献综述的正文:是文献综述的主要内容,包括某一课题研究的历史 (寻求研究问题的发展历程)、现状、基本内容 (寻求认识的进步), 研究方法的分析(寻求研究方法的借鉴),已解决的问题和尚存的问题,重点、详尽地阐述对当前的影响及发展趋势,这样不但可以使研究者确定研究方向,而且便于他人了解该课题研究的起点和切入点,是在他人研究的基础上有所创新;文献综述的结论:文献研究的结论,概括指出自己对该课题的研究意见,存在的不同意见和有待解决的问题等;文献综述的附录:列出参考文献,说明文献综述所依据的资料,增加综述的可信度,便于读者进一步检索。文献综述是对某一方面的专题搜集大量情报资料后经综合分析而写成的一种学术论文,它是科学文献的一种。文献综述是反映当前某一领域中某分支学科或重要专题的最新进展、学术见解和建议的它往往能反映出有关问题的新动态、新趋势、新水平、新原理和新技术等等。要求同学们学写综述,至少有以下好处:①通过搜集文献资料过程,可进一步熟悉科学文献的查找方法和资料的积累方法;在查找的过程中同时也扩大了知识面;②查找文献资料、写文献综述是科研选题及进行科研的第一步,因此学习文献综述的撰写也是为今后科研活动打基础的过程;③通过综述的写作过程,能提高归纳、分析、综合能力,有利于独立工作能力和科研能力的提高;④文献综述选题范围广,题目可大可小,可难可易。对于毕业设计的课题综述,则要结合课题的性质进行书写。 文献综述与“读书报告”、“文献复习”、“研究进展”等有相似的地方,它们都是从某一方面的专题研究论文或报告中归纳出来的。但是,文献综述既不象“读书报告”、“文献复习”那样,单纯把一级文献客观地归纳报告,也不象“研究进展”那样只讲科学进程,其特点是“综”,“综”是要求对文献资料进行综合分析、归纳整理,使材料更精练明确、更有逻辑层次;“述”就是要求对综合整理后的文献进行比较专门的、全面的、深入的、系统的论述。总之,文献综述是作者对某一方面问题的历史背景、前人工作、争论焦点、研究现状和发展前景等内容进行

内容预览:市场营销策划书撰写执行概要和要领 商标/定价/重要促销手段/目标市场等。目前营销状况 (1)市场状况:目前产品市场/规模/广告宣传/市场价格/利润空间等。 (2)产品状况:目前市场上的品种/特点/价格/包装等。 (3)竞争状况:目前市场上的主要竞争对手与基本情况。 (4)分销状况:销售渠道等。 (5)宏观环境状况:消费群体与需求状况。SWOT问题分析 优势:销售、经济、技术、管理、政策等方面的优势力。 劣势:销售、经济、技术、管理、政策(如行业管制等政策限制)等方面的劣势力。 机率:市场机率与把握情况。 威胁:市场竞争上的最大威胁力与风险因素。 综上所述:如何扬长避短,发挥自己的优势力,规避劣势与风险。 目标 财务目标: 公司未来3年或5年的销售收入预测(融资成功情况下): (单位:万元) 年份 第1年 第2年 第3年 第4年 第5年 销售收入 市场份额 营销目标:销……旅游旅游景点市场营销策划书一、销售目标: 信息传播最大化 媒体覆盖最大化 经济效益最大化二、销售策略: 我们把目标市场定为珠江三角洲地区,深圳本地和港澳地区为第二市场,而外省游客主要在春节期间出现,靠本地宣传提高来访量。 我们应当采取以下策略进行销售:1、确定目标市场并划分主要的区域,根据不同的时期、不同的人群对兵马俑产生吸引的不同角度,采用平面宣传、文化挖掘、巡回展示等方式,进行市场营销。2、借助兵马俑对香港市场的特殊吸引(特别是香港人、学生对中国古文化的向往),选择一至两家旅行社,通过合适的合作方式(让对方进行宣传和推广),打开香港市场。或采用合适的宣传方式(和媒体合作),打开香港市场。3、细分市场,根据每块市场的特点和不同节令特点,区分营销、宣传受众的不同需求,采用不同的方法、相应的宣传策略,进行宣传和营销。4、在价格方面,提高价格虽然能提高利润,但也可能因此减少客流,我们可以在稳定原价格的基础上,采用提高入园人数来提高收入,同时可通过让利等方式借助中间商的宣传拉动,达到市场覆盖最大化。三、市场分析: 1、 市场选定: 1珠江三角洲 2广州 3深圳 4香港 2、 市场评估: 1珠江三角洲:营业额546万, 2广州:营业额1049万, 3深圳:营业额664万, 4香港:? 注:A以上数据来自02年总入园人数106万人,营业额3万元人民币。 的基础,有效细分的要求; B历史数据并没有香港市场,习惯将其和深圳市场划归一起。在这里将香港市场单另列出,是考虑到兵马俑在香港市场可能产生较好高效应,所以进行针对性的市场开拓。 3、 现状分析: 1广州: ◆客源总量: 人口810万人,港澳侨胞135万人 ◆人均收入: 6万元。年人均消费14万元 ◆市场特点: 团队组团分为散客,企业团体、地接团三大块。 散客出游多以旅行社组织出游为主要形式。时间上为一日游或二日游。 企业团体出游形式上有旅行社和自行出游两种方式。时间上也以一、二日为主。 地接团队市场,广州市内地接外省团队、境外团队深珠游。 今年地接内地港澳游团队出团量明显上升。◆ 旅行社: A共计126家。 广州本地旅行社以往每年组织深圳游旅客,大约30--40万人次。 B散客组团社实行零团费的组团方式。 C旅行社团费和利润来源于景点门票团散差价和购物回扣。 D旅行社组织企业团体出游多有事先计划和安排,主导权在企业自身。 E以地接团队为主的旅行社,线路安排事先已定,导游现场推荐是否有效是加点能否成功的关键。◆ 社团: A各省驻广州办事处共有160家。 B除企业自身组织的活动外,各类中介机构也会组织各种活动。 2深圳: ◆旅行社: 共计55家。 A深圳旅行社共接待人数为20万人次,其中50%为中转,25%为游广珠线为主。25%为游深圳为主。 B主要以地接外省团队(包括中转,出境,入境为主) C与明思克有业务往来的旅行社50家。占96%。03年9月接待6500人次,其中侨城中旅,报业国旅,机场国旅等旅行社来团量占9月总来团量的70%。 ◆酒店: A共有酒店200家,70%的酒店分布在罗湖、福田、南山三区。 B主要以酒店外地散客,会议团队为主。 C现与明思克合作的酒店有50多家,以二三星级酒店为多,占酒店总量的40%,销售方式以现付为主,◆社团: A深圳各类企业十多万,小学180多所,中学60多所,幼儿园500多所 B以华为,中兴、迈瑞等企业为代表的300-500家高新企业是企业中最活跃的部分,每年企业的接待量较大 C政府机关和银行政券机构等具有一定实力的企业,每年接待量和招待费较多。 D工厂将在年终组织联欢活动和员工福利游 E学生春游和秋游活动 F以高新企业和政府机构接待是现阶段社团的主要收入,占社团总收入的60%—70%。仅华为一家平均每月就有600—800人。 G企业联欢活动相对活跃,但由于活动策划要求较高,加上景区内硬件有一定的局限性,成功率较低。 3珠三角:◆市场总量: 人口6820万人, 流动人口1890万人,◆ 人均收入: 1200元/月◆ 集中地区: 东莞、佛山、汕头、湛江、茂名、江门。◆ 发达地区: 东莞、佛山、中山、珠海、肇庆、江门。◆市场特点: 有一定的经济基础,有旅游的习惯;◆销售现状: 只开展了旅行社平台的业务◆旅行社: A共计360家。 B东莞、佛山、中山、珠海、肇庆、江门占总量的三分之一共有旅行社106家。 C出游方式多为旅行社组织出游, D与明思克有业务往来的旅行社290家。 E该地区旅行社团队人数为占市场份额的15%。 F东莞、佛山、中山珠海、肇庆、江门等经济发达地区来团量占总来团量的80%。◆社团: A东莞、惠州地区号称“工厂之都”有台资企业8000多家,世界500强企业16家。 外来人口590余万。 B人均年收入1。6万元。 C东莞、惠州地区的台资工厂,将年末组织员工旅游作


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