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Lin G C S, Yi F Urbanization of capital or capitalization on urban land? Land development and local public finance in urbanizing China[J] Urban Geography, 2011, 32(1): 50- Robalino J A Land conservation policies and income distribution: who bears the burden of our environmental efforts?[J] Environment and Development Economics, 2007, 12(4): 521-

你给的网址太大了,进去看不到文章,帮不了 你……

The soil grade composition is affecting the soil physics and chemistry nature, this article is uses the hydrometer method becomes the soil to southwest area several kind of crags (purple ochre, calcareous soil, volcanic ash soil) the grade to carry on the determination Draws the following conclusion: ⑴The southwest area crag becomes the earth, purple ochre, the calcareous soil and volcanic ash soil's pellet sand grains account for the proportion to be big, the clay, the silt account for the proportion to be ⑵Between identical soil different soil layer, as a result of function and so on leaching deposition influences, on the soil lower level grade composition existence certain difference, rendzina's sand grains and the clay content increases along with the depth But volcanic ash soil's sand grains and the clay content increase along with the depth ⑶Because the different place identical soil the weathering, the leaching function and human activity's influence is different, soil separates composition existence certain ⑷Different soil identical soil layer, because becomes the earth the rock to be different, sandstone growth soil sandy many, the limestone, the mudstone growth's rock clay are ⑸The identical soil type different subgroup's soil, the granulometric composition is also different, but the general trend is

华译网的土地资源管理论文翻译流程非常严格、非常科学,确保翻译出来的英文论文准确地道通顺,帮助作者顺利发表: 对于中译外翻译项目,如果原文是政府公文、出版印刷文件、广告内容、网站内容、设备使用说明和企业介绍等重要的或长久性使用的资料,以及需要在外国英文学术杂志上发表的论文,华译网翻译一般建议客户委托华译网翻译进行外籍校对,确保译文更地道更符合外文表达习惯,确保客户发布或出版的内容不会有任何遗憾。为了使得中译外翻译项目既经济又准确,华译网翻译一般采取以下措施: 1、初稿译员选择:每个译员都有自己擅长的领域,对于中译外项目华译网翻译一般选择擅长中译外且在项目涉及专业领域有一定造诣的译员承担。确保译文初稿与原文本意一致。 2、选择外籍译员:华译网翻译招聘的外籍译员不仅擅长其自身母语的语言表达和准确应用,而且精通或基本掌握中文,中文是其第一外语或第二外语。 3、原译者再审查:为了避免外籍译员在校对和润色过程中发生偏差,华译网翻译还会请初稿译员对外籍译员的校对译文进行再次核对,避免外籍译员因文化差异或理解中文不够等原因而发生矫枉过正的错误。 外籍英文校对价格费用一般是每千英文单词180元到200元,具体价格根据文件单词数量和文件内容专业性强度而有所区别。 学术著作与论文翻译和英语母语外籍校对是本公司的核心业务之一。


Multiple and intensive land use: case studies in Hong Kong  S S Y Lau, R Giridharan and S Ganesan,  Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Available online 01 January   Abstract  Multiple Intensive Land Use (MILU) achieves intensification of land use through mixing residential, commercial and other uses at higher densities at selected urban locations, while being supported by an efficient public transport and pedestrian Successful case studies in Hong Kong have more than five uses, Residential, Commercial, Recreational, Community facilities and Transport The residential component in these projects is usually between 30% and 65% of the total gross floor The MILU concept is being implemented in subsidized public housing projects as Multiple land uses within the podium, together with access to five or more modes of public transport and an accessible network of multilevel pedestrian links create the necessary variety, vitality and The paper examines three different generations of MILU fabric and discusses the integrating design variables, while focusing on the life style and design approaches of Hong K  Author Keywords: Multiple intensive land use (MILU); Urban space; High-density; High-rise; Podium design  Article Outline  • Historical introduction to MILU  • Objective and approach  • Multiple intensive land use practice  • Fundamental approach underpinning multiple intensive use in Hong Kong  • Verticality  • Space proximity  • Compactness  • Sky city  • Case studies  • Hong Kong case study 1: Mei Fu Sun Chuen development  • Hong Kong case study 2: Metro-city development  • Hong Kong case study 3: Kowloon Station  • Analysis of case studies in Hong Kong  • Residential density and development intensity  • Land use and amenities: Facilities within site and access to urban services  • Form and design  • Transport modes and pedestrian links  • Local property market and environmental quality  • Future urban design in Hong Kong  • Conclusions  • Acknowledgements  • References  Historical introduction to MILU  The ever-increasing world population has continually stressed the need for intensive but sustainable There is a strong belief among professionals that multiple intensive land use (MILU) has the potential for achieving sustainable development (Walker, 1997) But, there is limited empirical evidence as yet to support such a contention ( Rowley, 1998) Mixed use can be broadly defined as multiple land use where no one type As a guideline, floor area allocated to any single use in a development should not be more than two-thirds of the gross floor area of the entire Multiple uses have been categorized as mixing of revenue producing uses commercial, residential, recreational, institutional and industrial including different types of housing, owner occupied and rented accommodation, public and private uses, as well as accommodation of different social groups ( Coupland, 1997)  Most of the European cities before the industrial revolution were of mixed use and self sustained low-density locations (Coupland, 1997); people had shops and offices on the ground floor and the residential facilities on the upper level or These cities became crowded after the industrial Architects and urban designers responded to these population pressures with distinct patterns of Technological developments within and outside the building industry significantly influenced the emerging concepts and urban The suburbia concept was prominent among For example, Frank Lloyd Wright conceptualized the Broadacre City in the1920 s as a suburban model for American cities, partially as a response to higher residential densities building up within existing urban The Broadacre City accommodated various uses in a land of four square miles at low Its viability was predicated on high automobile Lloyd's concept also displayed a particular architectural character in the eyes of many (Krohe, 2002) In principle the suburbia concept became popular with better access to automobiles and speedier transport facilities ( Argan, 1968; Krohe, 2002)  Le Corbusier floated the Radiant city concept in 1933, which also could be described as a response to increasing population and The concept incorporated mega structures with multiple uses where the buildings stood out in contrast to nature and in a less harmonious posture with the existing landscape (Argan, 1968) Le Corbusier's concept was considered a machine age product and never materialized, perhaps because it was not socially acceptable at that This machine age character was to be seen on a small scale in his later design of the Indian city of C  Fishman (1998) has postulated that Ebenezer Howard's “Garden City” concept was not entirely new, and incorporated features advocated by Lever (1852–1925) and George Cadbury (1839–1922) in their designs developed for the industrial workers in UK The garden city concept provided the impetus for Greater London's expansion in 1944, which was achieved at low density and dominated more by diverse, single use concepts rather an integrated multiple land use This diversity was carved out on a human scale amidst the existing green and natural The garden city concept was essentially a suburbia In the end all these suburbia concepts led to urban sprawl and created other environmental problems such as privatization of open space, soil erosion, fragmentation and reduction of agricultural land and water bodies and reduction of social capital ( Rowley, 1998; Coupland, 1997; Freeman, 2001) House building on private plots in the suburbia demanded large tracts of land for infrastructure and social Especially, the hard surfaces of the road networks contributed to urban heat island Urban migration and huge increases in population also indirectly compounded the problems of the   Planners had to respond to this in part by developing high-density residential settlements within the city Until the 1960s, to a large extent these developments in both American and European cities were developed on a single use-zoning plan; the developers in the UK often rejected mixed-use models on the grounds of high development costs (Coupland, 1997; Rowley, 1998; Zhang, 2001) Cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Berlin, Liverpool, Manchester, Paris and etc incorporated low-rise walk-up apartments in single use neighborhoods at moderate densities to accommodate the industrial workers especially after Second World W In the mid-1960s Asian cities such as Bombay, Karachi, Colombo, Bangkok and Seoul also adopted similar low-rise This concept of low-rise walk-up apartments was never really successful in North America, Europe and in many parts of A This was largely due to mono-zoning and lack of public transport ( Jones, 2000) Mono-zoning effectively discouraged the provision of a well-diversified social infrastructure, and access to employment Lack of readily available employment opportunities often led youths into crimes ( Zhang, 2000) Mono-zoning in practice limited opportunities for cross subsidizing residential projects taking advantage of associated and lucrative commercial land Especially, impoverished were the public sector and local authorities empowered to provide subsidized Forced to achieve harsh economies in design, essential amenities and security provisions were Furthermore, the multiple land use concept was often wrongly identified as In some instances, planners and local authority officers had advocated mono-zoning purely to promote better hygiene and avoid fire   In contrast, cities like Hong Kong and Singapore has followed the high-rise, high-density and multiple intensive land-use concept successfully during the latter part of the 20th century (Zhang, 2000) Hong Kong is unique because it experiences extreme population growth and overcrowding, scarcity of serviced and buildable land, and intensification of land-use, while being poorly endowed in natural resources and raw Hong Kong when compared to Singapore has only 17,600 ha of buildable land to house a population of 7 Among the cities mentioned in the Table 1, Paris has the second highest net density but the city has a land area of 10,500 In contrast, Hong Kong island and Kowloon has a high net density in the range of 2500–3000 person/ha but the land areas are 8000 and 4500 ha,   ……  Among the highly urbanized countries, the United States follows horizontal expansion while France and the Netherlands tend to emphasize vertical Hong Kong has the highest emphasis on vertical expansion and over- Yet, the story of Hong Kong as a Sky City attracts the widest interest of urban designers and urban managers seeking to acquire clues to the successful management of limited land and other resources, and more importantly to maintain a vibrant and rich living and working culture in a vertical land use   Mega-Cities incorporating high-density developments emerged in the metropolises of the industrialized countries especially North America since the Later North American cities had also adopted performance based mixed-use development models to improve the quality of high-density development (Marwedel, 1998) However, the western models of mixed-use patterns have not found as much favour with most professionals ( Jacobs, 1961; Jenks, 2000; Burgess, 2000; Coupland, 1997; Zhang, 2000) It is beyond the scope of this paper to examine the western models in detail, but some relevant parallels will be drawn from the Western experience

Lin G C S, Yi F Urbanization of capital or capitalization on urban land? Land development and local public finance in urbanizing China[J] Urban Geography, 2011, 32(1): 50- Robalino J A Land conservation policies and income distribution: who bears the burden of our environmental efforts?[J] Environment and Development Economics, 2007, 12(4): 521-

你给的网址太大了,进去看不到文章,帮不了 你……

是这么?:TWO-SECTOR, THREE-MARKET CIRCULAR FLOW:A circular flow model of the macroeconomy containing two sectors (business and household) and three markets (product, factor, and financial)两因素,三市场环形流宏观经济学中,一个环形流模式包含两个因素(商业和家庭)和三个市场(产品市场、代理市场和金融市场)



是这么?:TWO-SECTOR, THREE-MARKET CIRCULAR FLOW:A circular flow model of the macroeconomy containing two sectors (business and household) and three markets (product, factor, and financial)两因素,三市场环形流宏观经济学中,一个环形流模式包含两个因素(商业和家庭)和三个市场(产品市场、代理市场和金融市场)

Multiple and intensive land use: case studies in Hong Kong  S S Y Lau, R Giridharan and S Ganesan,  Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong  Available online 01 January   Abstract  Multiple Intensive Land Use (MILU) achieves intensification of land use through mixing residential, commercial and other uses at higher densities at selected urban locations, while being supported by an efficient public transport and pedestrian Successful case studies in Hong Kong have more than five uses, Residential, Commercial, Recreational, Community facilities and Transport The residential component in these projects is usually between 30% and 65% of the total gross floor The MILU concept is being implemented in subsidized public housing projects as Multiple land uses within the podium, together with access to five or more modes of public transport and an accessible network of multilevel pedestrian links create the necessary variety, vitality and The paper examines three different generations of MILU fabric and discusses the integrating design variables, while focusing on the life style and design approaches of Hong K  Author Keywords: Multiple intensive land use (MILU); Urban space; High-density; High-rise; Podium design  Article Outline  • Historical introduction to MILU  • Objective and approach  • Multiple intensive land use practice  • Fundamental approach underpinning multiple intensive use in Hong Kong  • Verticality  • Space proximity  • Compactness  • Sky city  • Case studies  • Hong Kong case study 1: Mei Fu Sun Chuen development  • Hong Kong case study 2: Metro-city development  • Hong Kong case study 3: Kowloon Station  • Analysis of case studies in Hong Kong  • Residential density and development intensity  • Land use and amenities: Facilities within site and access to urban services  • Form and design  • Transport modes and pedestrian links  • Local property market and environmental quality  • Future urban design in Hong Kong  • Conclusions  • Acknowledgements  • References  Historical introduction to MILU  The ever-increasing world population has continually stressed the need for intensive but sustainable There is a strong belief among professionals that multiple intensive land use (MILU) has the potential for achieving sustainable development (Walker, 1997) But, there is limited empirical evidence as yet to support such a contention ( Rowley, 1998) Mixed use can be broadly defined as multiple land use where no one type As a guideline, floor area allocated to any single use in a development should not be more than two-thirds of the gross floor area of the entire Multiple uses have been categorized as mixing of revenue producing uses commercial, residential, recreational, institutional and industrial including different types of housing, owner occupied and rented accommodation, public and private uses, as well as accommodation of different social groups ( Coupland, 1997)  Most of the European cities before the industrial revolution were of mixed use and self sustained low-density locations (Coupland, 1997); people had shops and offices on the ground floor and the residential facilities on the upper level or These cities became crowded after the industrial Architects and urban designers responded to these population pressures with distinct patterns of Technological developments within and outside the building industry significantly influenced the emerging concepts and urban The suburbia concept was prominent among For example, Frank Lloyd Wright conceptualized the Broadacre City in the1920 s as a suburban model for American cities, partially as a response to higher residential densities building up within existing urban The Broadacre City accommodated various uses in a land of four square miles at low Its viability was predicated on high automobile Lloyd's concept also displayed a particular architectural character in the eyes of many (Krohe, 2002) In principle the suburbia concept became popular with better access to automobiles and speedier transport facilities ( Argan, 1968; Krohe, 2002)  Le Corbusier floated the Radiant city concept in 1933, which also could be described as a response to increasing population and The concept incorporated mega structures with multiple uses where the buildings stood out in contrast to nature and in a less harmonious posture with the existing landscape (Argan, 1968) Le Corbusier's concept was considered a machine age product and never materialized, perhaps because it was not socially acceptable at that This machine age character was to be seen on a small scale in his later design of the Indian city of C  Fishman (1998) has postulated that Ebenezer Howard's “Garden City” concept was not entirely new, and incorporated features advocated by Lever (1852–1925) and George Cadbury (1839–1922) in their designs developed for the industrial workers in UK The garden city concept provided the impetus for Greater London's expansion in 1944, which was achieved at low density and dominated more by diverse, single use concepts rather an integrated multiple land use This diversity was carved out on a human scale amidst the existing green and natural The garden city concept was essentially a suburbia In the end all these suburbia concepts led to urban sprawl and created other environmental problems such as privatization of open space, soil erosion, fragmentation and reduction of agricultural land and water bodies and reduction of social capital ( Rowley, 1998; Coupland, 1997; Freeman, 2001) House building on private plots in the suburbia demanded large tracts of land for infrastructure and social Especially, the hard surfaces of the road networks contributed to urban heat island Urban migration and huge increases in population also indirectly compounded the problems of the   Planners had to respond to this in part by developing high-density residential settlements within the city Until the 1960s, to a large extent these developments in both American and European cities were developed on a single use-zoning plan; the developers in the UK often rejected mixed-use models on the grounds of high development costs (Coupland, 1997; Rowley, 1998; Zhang, 2001) Cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Berlin, Liverpool, Manchester, Paris and etc incorporated low-rise walk-up apartments in single use neighborhoods at moderate densities to accommodate the industrial workers especially after Second World W In the mid-1960s Asian cities such as Bombay, Karachi, Colombo, Bangkok and Seoul also adopted similar low-rise This concept of low-rise walk-up apartments was never really successful in North America, Europe and in many parts of A This was largely due to mono-zoning and lack of public transport ( Jones, 2000) Mono-zoning effectively discouraged the provision of a well-diversified social infrastructure, and access to employment Lack of readily available employment opportunities often led youths into crimes ( Zhang, 2000) Mono-zoning in practice limited opportunities for cross subsidizing residential projects taking advantage of associated and lucrative commercial land Especially, impoverished were the public sector and local authorities empowered to provide subsidized Forced to achieve harsh economies in design, essential amenities and security provisions were Furthermore, the multiple land use concept was often wrongly identified as In some instances, planners and local authority officers had advocated mono-zoning purely to promote better hygiene and avoid fire   In contrast, cities like Hong Kong and Singapore has followed the high-rise, high-density and multiple intensive land-use concept successfully during the latter part of the 20th century (Zhang, 2000) Hong Kong is unique because it experiences extreme population growth and overcrowding, scarcity of serviced and buildable land, and intensification of land-use, while being poorly endowed in natural resources and raw Hong Kong when compared to Singapore has only 17,600 ha of buildable land to house a population of 7 Among the cities mentioned in the Table 1, Paris has the second highest net density but the city has a land area of 10,500 In contrast, Hong Kong island and Kowloon has a high net density in the range of 2500–3000 person/ha but the land areas are 8000 and 4500 ha,   ……  Among the highly urbanized countries, the United States follows horizontal expansion while France and the Netherlands tend to emphasize vertical Hong Kong has the highest emphasis on vertical expansion and over- Yet, the story of Hong Kong as a Sky City attracts the widest interest of urban designers and urban managers seeking to acquire clues to the successful management of limited land and other resources, and more importantly to maintain a vibrant and rich living and working culture in a vertical land use   Mega-Cities incorporating high-density developments emerged in the metropolises of the industrialized countries especially North America since the Later North American cities had also adopted performance based mixed-use development models to improve the quality of high-density development (Marwedel, 1998) However, the western models of mixed-use patterns have not found as much favour with most professionals ( Jacobs, 1961; Jenks, 2000; Burgess, 2000; Coupland, 1997; Zhang, 2000) It is beyond the scope of this paper to examine the western models in detail, but some relevant parallels will be drawn from the Western experience


Soil grain grade composition of soil physical and chemical properties of influence, this is the method of using BiChongJi southwest area into several rock soil (purple soil, lime soil, volcanic dust) grain Some conclusions:Southwest area into rock (soil, lime, purple soil and volcanic dust particles in the sand, which accounts for more than viscous grain powder, small 2 the same soil layer, due to the different leaching deposition etc, on the effect of soil layer of grain composition class there are differences of sand soil, black limestone and clay content with the increase of depth and And the sand and volcanic ashes viscous grain content decreased with 3 the soil due to different locations eluviation weathering, the influence of human activity and the degree of different level, the soil grain composition there is some 4 different soil layer, due to the different soil of rock, soil contains sand development of sandstone and mudstone limestone, development of viscous grain 5 the same soil types, different sub-types of soil particle composition is different, but the trend is Keywords: rock into the soil, The soil profile, Grain grade, Determination

At noon tomorrow to translate ~ translated additional 50 thank you ~ ~Soil grain grade composition of soil physical and chemical properties of influence, this is the method of using BiChongJi southwest area into several rock soil (purple soil, lime soil, volcanic dust) grain Some conclusions:Southwest area into rock (soil, lime, purple soil and volcanic dust particles in the sand, which accounts for more than viscous grain powder, small 2 the same soil layer, due to the different leaching deposition etc, on the effect of soil layer of grain composition class there are differences of sand soil, black limestone and clay content with the increase of depth and And the sand and volcanic ashes viscous grain content decreased with 3 the soil due to different locations eluviation weathering, the influence of human activity and the degree of different level, the soil grain composition there is some 4 different soil layer, due to the different soil of rock, soil contains sand development of sandstone and mudstone limestone, development of viscous grain 5 the same soil types, different sub-types of soil particle composition is different, but the trend is Keywords: rock into the soil, The soil profile, Grain grade, Determination必须选我的哈~ 加油! 挺你啊~BY:静

华译网的土地资源管理论文翻译流程非常严格、非常科学,确保翻译出来的英文论文准确地道通顺,帮助作者顺利发表: 对于中译外翻译项目,如果原文是政府公文、出版印刷文件、广告内容、网站内容、设备使用说明和企业介绍等重要的或长久性使用的资料,以及需要在外国英文学术杂志上发表的论文,华译网翻译一般建议客户委托华译网翻译进行外籍校对,确保译文更地道更符合外文表达习惯,确保客户发布或出版的内容不会有任何遗憾。为了使得中译外翻译项目既经济又准确,华译网翻译一般采取以下措施: 1、初稿译员选择:每个译员都有自己擅长的领域,对于中译外项目华译网翻译一般选择擅长中译外且在项目涉及专业领域有一定造诣的译员承担。确保译文初稿与原文本意一致。 2、选择外籍译员:华译网翻译招聘的外籍译员不仅擅长其自身母语的语言表达和准确应用,而且精通或基本掌握中文,中文是其第一外语或第二外语。 3、原译者再审查:为了避免外籍译员在校对和润色过程中发生偏差,华译网翻译还会请初稿译员对外籍译员的校对译文进行再次核对,避免外籍译员因文化差异或理解中文不够等原因而发生矫枉过正的错误。 外籍英文校对价格费用一般是每千英文单词180元到200元,具体价格根据文件单词数量和文件内容专业性强度而有所区别。 学术著作与论文翻译和英语母语外籍校对是本公司的核心业务之一。

Abstract : agricultural management system innovation is to stimulate the rural reform, a fulcrum, as well as economic and social development in the power source explore agricultural land management system innovation promoting rural economic development is of great This paper analyzes the most basic of rural agricultural land management system -- household contract management system and the feasibility of potential, and confirmed the system irreplaceable Of agricultural land management system of the necessary conditions for innovation and practical way, combining with the successful experiences abroad, China should make some learn from This helps clear innovative ideas and innovative Culminated in the adoption of agricultural land system innovation, a large agricultural country to prosperity and Keywords : agricultural land management system innovation the right to land use development economic production


1社会需求:从表面看是因为"只经营劣等地无法满足社会需求,不得不开发优等地,来满足社会需求。否则就会有人饿死,产生社会动荡。"但是这只是假象,因为这个答案的前提是为了不交地租而耕地。对于利润来说资本是均权的,等量的资本应取得等量的利润。在交了级差地租后等量地租后,相等的资本获得相等的利润。所以对租地农场主来说耕种劣等地和好地是没有区别的。(这里不考虑价格波动,因供求关系产生的耕地面积扩大和土地的改良)故不存在"抢优等地和中等地来经营"这一说法。 2地理因素:土地是一片一片开发的不可能专挑好的或者坏的去耕种。同样,如果优等土地在深山里而中等土地在铁路边,人们就会优发中等土地。在这里地理起决定性因素而不是土地肥力。 3社会历史因素:1在早期的公社人们只是为了获得谷物而耕种,所以他们会选择最好的土地去耕种。2在奴隶制社会和封建社会,统治者为了获得更多的实物产品也会让奴隶或者佃农去耕种优等地。而到了资本主义社会将会有大批的优等地被留下来。这时如果开垦新的土地比现有最差土地还要差且供求已平衡,它将因无法产生利润而被淘汰。 回答者: 贝吉塔4代 - 一级 2008-6-24 19:47


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