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求翻译一篇英文化学文献Quantifying the Cluster of Differentiation 4 Receptor Density on Human T Lymphocytes Using Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry 多反应监测质量光谱法应用于人类T淋巴细胞量化分化抗原簇4受体密度 ABSTRACT: Cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) is an important glycoprotein containing four extracellular domains, a transmembrane portion and a short intracellular It locates on the surface of various types of immune cells and performs a critical role in multiple cellular functions such as signal amplification and activation of T It is well-known as a clinical cell surface protein marker for study of HIV progression and for defining the T helper cell population in immunological Moreover, CD4 protein has been used as a biological calibrator for quantification of other surface and intracellular However, flow cytometry, the conventional method of quantification of the CD4 density on the T cell surface depends on antibodies and has suffered from variables such as antibody clones, the fluorophore and conjugation chemistries, the fixation conditions, and the flow cytometric quantification methods In this study, we report the development of a highly reproducible nano liquid chromatography−multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry-based quantitative method to quantify the CD4 receptor density in units of copy number per cell on human CD4+ T The method utilizes stable isotope-labeled full-length standard CD4 as an internal standard to measure endogenous CD4 directly, without the use of The development of the mass spectrometry-based approach of CD4 protein quantification is important as a complementary strategy to validate the analysis from the cytometry-based conventional It also provides new support for quantitative understanding and advanced characterization of CD4 on CD4+ T 摘要:集群分化4(CD4)是一种重要的糖蛋白,它包含四个胞外区域,横跨膜的部分和短的细胞内尾巴。它位于各种类型免疫细胞的表面,在多种细胞功能中扮演重要角色,像细胞信号放大和激活的T细胞。众所周知的是作为研究艾滋病病程的临床细胞表面蛋白标记和在免疫学应用程序中定义辅助T细胞数量。除此之外,CD4细胞蛋白质也已被用作其他表面和胞内蛋白量化的生物校准器。但是,流式细胞,传统量化CD4 T细胞表面密度的方法取决于抗体和并且会受到像抗体克隆、荧光团和结合化学、固定条件以及以前流式细胞定量方法等变量带来的改变。在这项研究中,我们报道一种人类CD4 + T细胞中量化CD4受体密度在每个细胞的拷贝数的高度可再生的纳米液相色谱 - 多反应监测质谱为基础的定量方法的发展。该方法利用稳定同位素标记的全长标准CD4作为内部标准来直接衡量内源性CD4,而不需要使用抗体。 以CD4质谱为基础的蛋白定量方法的发展,作为一个重要的补充战略来验证分析以流式细胞仪为基础的传统方法。它还提供了定量的理解和CD4在CD4 + T细胞上高级鉴定的新支持。 Cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) is a glycoprotein that locates on the surface of immune cells such as T helper cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic As a coreceptor, CD4 amplifies the signal generated by the T cell receptor, which is essential for activation of many molecules involved in the signaling cascade of an activated T In human T lymphocytes, CD4 receptor protein is encoded by the CD4 gene1and has four distinct extracellular domains (D1 to D4), a transmembrane portion, and a short intracellular 2The use of antihuman CD4 monoclonal antibodies generated against the four extracellular domains has been widely used to define T helper cells in Although the number of CD4+ T cells decreases in the progression of HIV-1 viral infection deriving from the gp120 viral protein binding to the CD4 receptor, Poncelet et reported that the surface CD4 density still remained constant on T helper cells of HIV-1 infected 3Since then, multiyear research has supported the theory that CD4 expression/density can be used as a biological calibrator for quantification of other surface and intracellular 4 分化4 ( CD4)的集群是一种糖蛋白,位于免疫细胞如T辅助细胞,单核细胞,巨噬细胞和树突状细胞的表面。作为一个辅助受体,CD4放大由T细胞受体产生的信号,它对很多分子的活化作用很重要包括信号级联激活T细胞。人类T淋巴细胞, CD4的受体蛋白质是由编码CD4 基因并且有四个不同的胞外结构域(D1到D4) ,跨膜部分和短的胞内尾巴。利用抗人CD4单克隆抗体在4各细胞外结构域的繁殖,已被广泛地被用于在免疫表型上定义辅助性T细胞。尽管CD4 + T细胞的数目在HIV -1病毒感染中减少,HIV -1病毒感染来源于病毒的gp120蛋白结合到CD4受体,蓬斯莱等。报告说,表面CD4的密度在艾滋病毒感染者的T辅助细胞上仍保持不变。从此以后,多年的研究支持了CD4表达/密度可用作生物校准器用于其它表面和细胞内蛋白质量化的这一理论。 Quantitative multicolor flow cytometry incorporating anti- bodies and a fluorescence detection method has played a critical role in clinical diagnostics and Though the ultimate objective of quantitative flow cytometry is to measure the number of antigens or ligand binding sites associated with a cell, the task is carried out by measuring the number of antibodies bound per cell (ABC) It is critically important to produce biological cell reference materials that bear well-characterized protein markers such as CD4 for the trans-formation of a calibrated linear fluorescence intensity scale of a flow cytometer channel to a biologically meaningful ABC 7The quality of the cytometric measurements is affected by variables such as antibody clones, the fluorophore and conjugation chemistries, the fixation conditions, and the flow cytometric quantification methods 4,8−11Hence, in addition to characterizing candidate reference cell preparations that use antibody-based cytometric methods,12it is necessary to develop a complementary approach to validate the absolute quantification of reference marker proteins such as CD4 without the use of 定量多色流式细胞结合体和荧光检测方法在临床诊断和免疫治疗中起到了至关重要的作用。虽然定量流式细胞仪最终目标是测量抗原或与细胞结合配体结合位点的数目,该任务的完成是通过测量每个细胞( ABC)抗体结合的数目。这对于

F组化学非金属 F10键 惰性气体 关键笔记 惰性气体的内容发生uncombined大气中的原子, 和比较少见的除外氩。氦有一个 非常低的沸点,但并不巩固,除非 压力之下。 氙气化合物形式某些二进制氟化物和氧化物,以及 氟化合物和oxoanions 。大家都非常被动 化合物。 化合物其他惰性气体只有二元复合氪是一个非常不稳定 二氟。其他一些分子已准备在 温度非常低。 相关主题介绍非金属(车队) 要素 其闭壳电子配置的惰性气体元素的组有18人长期被视为化学 惰性。然而,在1962年巴特利特指出,电离能氙相似,氧,和反应 与PtF6试图编写类似的化合物[氧气] + [ PtF6 ] - (见主题七) 。他获得一个复杂 产品含有离子[ XeF ] + (有价结构1等电子以dihalogen分子) ,而不是 预计氙+ 。许多化合物的氙现在已知,其中大部分是与F和O ,很少氪。 这些气体一般不丰富的地球上,虽然氩(所形成的放射性衰变的40K的)弥补 大约1摩尔%的气氛中,和氦(所形成的放射性衰变的铀和钍;见话题A1和 碘)发生天然气。氡是放射性, 222Rn的半衰期三点八天也正在形成的放射性衰变 来自中238U 。沸点要素显示趋势的预期范德华部队(主题C10 ) ,即 氦( 2金)是最低的任何物质。氦也是独一无二的,因为它没有巩固的压力下除外; 其余的内容与形式单固体密切包装结构(见话题2点) 。液氦用于 保持极低的温度下(如超导磁体) ,氩气为惰性气体在一些冶金 进程,并在所有的要素气体放电管。 氙化合物






不知道,随便给你一个疏水缔合型聚合物P(AMTA)溶液性质的研究疏水缔合型水溶性聚合物是指在聚合物亲水性大分子链上带有少量疏水基团的一类水溶性聚合物。在聚合物水溶液中,疏水基团之间由于憎水作用而发生聚集,使大分子链产生分子内和分子间缔合。在临界缔合质量分数以上,形成分子间缔合为主的超分子结构,增大了流体力学体积,故具有较好的增黏性。在盐溶液中,由于小分子电解质的加入增加了溶液极性,使疏水缔合作用增强,表现出明显的抗盐性质。 疏水缔合型水溶性高分子很难合成,且不易表征,把疏水部分连接到水溶性聚合物链上,一般采用胶束共聚合或者使用具有表面活性的大单体进行共聚,胶束聚合需要在体系中加入大量的表面活性剂,这就增加了后处理过程的复杂性。利用表面大单体共聚合,需要事先合成大单体,这方面的技术也有相当大的难度。作者采用丙烯酸十四酯作为疏水单体,直接用沉淀聚合法制备疏水缔合型聚合物P(AM/TA)共聚物,从而使共聚反应及其产物的后处理过程较为简单易行。并用凯达尔定氮法表征共聚物的组成,研究共聚物的溶液性能和对苯丙乳液的增稠性。 1实验 1.1试剂 丙烯酰胺(AM),质量分数不少于985%,根据文献提供的方法提纯;N,N-甲基甲酰胺(DMF),分析纯;甲醇、氯化钠,化学纯;丙烯酸十四酯(TA),实验室自制;苯丙乳液由福建省福州树脂有限公司提供。 1.2P(AM/TA)共聚物的合成 称取一定量的AM和TA单体,用DMF溶解,转入三颈瓶中,通氮除氧。升温至80℃,加入引发剂反应4h,过滤,产物用甲醇洗涤多次,以除去未反应的单体。40℃真空干燥至恒重。 1.3分析测试 凯达尔定氮法测定共聚物的组成。用乌氏黏度计测定共聚物溶液特性黏度[η],测试温度为(30±O1)℃。聚合物溶液表观黏度用NDJ-I型旋转黏度计测定。 2结果与讨论 2.1共聚物稀溶液性质不同疏水基团摩尔分数的P(AM/TA)共聚物在蒸馏水和w(NaCl)=5%的溶液中的特性黏度[η]值列于表1。 聚合物的[η]正比于溶液中大分子线团的流体力学体积,因而能反应大分子线团收敛、卷曲的程度。从表1可知,随共聚物的TA链节摩尔分数的增加,其水溶液的[η]值逐渐减小,在w(NaCl)=5%的溶液中也是持续减小。这是因为在稀溶液中,疏水基团缔合以分子内缔合为主,随着TA摩尔分数的增加,分子内缔合增强,导致分子链卷曲。在盐溶液中,由于离子电荷的作用,使疏水链节分子内缔合力增强,分子链收缩,因而[η]值也持续下降。 2.2疏水基团TA摩尔分数对聚合物溶液黏度的影响 图1和图2分别表示P(AM/TA)系列共聚物及PAM在蒸馏水和w(NaCl)=5%的溶液中表观黏度与聚合物质量分数的关系曲线。PAM溶液黏度随其质量分数的增加而平缓上升,而疏水共聚物溶液的质量分数为3O%~4O%时其黏度急剧增加,表明疏水基团聚集而导致分子间缔合,形成了物理交联网络。此时共聚物溶液的质量分数即是临界缔合的质量分数。如图1所示,随TA摩尔分数增加,共聚物溶液的黏度显著增加。当疏水基团摩尔分数较高时,其溶液黏度随质量分数增加的速度更快,共聚物的临界缔合质量分数降低。如图2所示,加入Nacl溶液后,溶液表观黏度有较大提高,如质量分数为O%的P(AM/TA)-1 5聚合物溶液在20℃,转速为6r/min时,黏度达OmPs,而在水溶液中的黏度只有374mPa·s。不同TA摩尔分数的聚合物的质量分数均较其在纯水中低。Hydrophobically associating polymer P (AMTA) the nature of the study solution Hydrophobically associating water-soluble polymer is the hydrophilic polymer with a small amount of macromolecular chain hydrophobic group of a class of water-soluble Aqueous solution in the polymer, the hydrophobic groups and between the role as a result of hydrophobic aggregation occurred, so that large molecules have a molecular chain and inter-molecular Associating the critical mass fraction of the above, the formation of intermolecular association based supramolecular structure, increases the volume of fluid mechanics, it has good by In salt solution, because of the addition of small molecule electrolyte solution increased polarity, so that co-operation with enhanced hydrophobic association, shows that the nature of the Hydrophobically associating water-soluble polymer-based synthesis is difficult and not easily characterized, in part to hydrophobic chains connected to the water-soluble polymer, the general use of micellar copolymerization, or the use of the large surfactant monomer to copolymerization, polymer micelles need in the system by adding a large number of surface-active agent, which, after an increase of the complexity of the The use of the surface monomer copolymerization, the need for prior synthesis of large monomer, this technology also has considerable Author tetradecyl acrylate used as a hydrophobic monomer, the direct use of precipitation polymerization Preparation of hydrophobically associating polymer P (AM / TA) copolymers, so that the product of copolymerization and post-processing is more simple and easy And characterization of nitrogen determination Kedar copolymer composition, study the solution properties of copolymers of styrene-acrylic emulsion and of the 1 Experimental 1 Reagents Acrylamide (AM), the mass fraction of not less than 985 percent, according to documents provided by purification methods; N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF),分析纯; methanol, sodium chloride, chemical pure; acrylic 10 four acetate (TA), laboratory-made; styrene-acrylic emulsion resin from Fuzhou in Fujian Province L 2P (AM / TA) Copolymer Check that a certain amount of monomer AM and TA, using DMF dissolved into three-neck bottle, pass oxygen Warming to 80 ℃, reaction by adding initiator 4h, filtering, washing the product several times with methanol to remove unreacted 40 ℃ vacuum drying to constant 3 Analysis and Testing Determination of nitrogen Kedar will be the composition of Determination of intrinsic viscosity with copolymer solution viscosity [η], the test temperature (30 ± O1) ℃ Apparent viscosity of polymer solution with NDJ-I-type rotary viscometer 2 Results and Discussion 1 Dilute Solution Properties of Copolymers of different mole fraction of hydrophobic groups of the P (AM / TA) copolymers in distilled water, and w (NaCl) = 5% of the solution intrinsic viscosity [η] values listed in Table Polymer [η] is proportional to the solution of the fluid dynamics of macromolecular coil volume, which can respond to the convergence coil macromolecules, the degree of We can see from Table 1, with the copolymer chain of the TA increase in mole fraction, the aqueous solution of [η] value decreases in w (NaCl) = 5% of the solution is continued to This is because in dilute solution, the hydrophobic group to intramolecular association based association, with the mole fraction of the increase in TA, to enhance intramolecular association, resulting in the molecular chain In salt solution, because of the role of ionic charge, so that intramolecular hydrophobic chain to enter into force enhancement, molecular chain contraction, so [η] value continued to TA hydrophobic group 2 mole fraction of polymer solution viscosity on the impact of figures 1 and 2, respectively, P (AM / TA) series of copolymers and PAM in distilled water, and w (NaCl) = 5% in the apparent viscosity of the solution and the relationship between the mass fraction of polymer PAM solution viscosity with the increase of mass fraction of gentle rise, and the hydrophobic copolymer solution for the mass fraction of 3O% ~ 4O%, when a sharp increase in viscosity, indicating that aggregation of hydrophobic groups and lead to intermolecular association, forming a physical crosslinking网络 At this point the mass fraction of copolymer solution that is the critical mass fraction of the As shown in Figure 1, with the mole fraction of TA increased, the viscosity of copolymer solution increased When the mole fraction of hydrophobic groups is high, the solution viscosity increases with the mass fraction of the faster, the critical aggregation copolymer mass fraction As shown in Figure 2, by adding Nacl solution, the solution has greatly enhanced apparent viscosity, such as the mass fraction of O% for the P (AM / TA) -1 5 polymer solution at 20 ℃, rotation speed 6r/min , the viscosity of OmPs, and viscosity in aqueous solution only 374mPa TA different mole fraction of the mass fraction of polymer in water were



1, the structure characteristics of the organic matterOrganic structures differ? Why many kinds organic?2 and hydrocarbonWhat call hydrocarbon? This chapter learned what hydrocarbon? What is the general?(1) the classification of hydrocarbon generationSaturated hydrocarbons, alkane CnH2n + 2 (1) it --Chain hydrocarbon olefins CnH2n (2) it --Unsaturated hydrocarbons --GuiTing hydrocarbon CnH2n - 2 (2) it --Aromatic hydrocarbons (such as benzene and TongXiWu CnH2n) 6-6) (n p(2) the structure of hydrocarbon characteristics and main chemical propertiesThe main characteristic structural chemistryC? C only alkane keying halogen such substitution reaction, decompositionC = = C olefin contain such key and halogen cycloaddition reactions, and potassium permanganate oxidation reaction, the polymerizationGuiTing containing C ≡ C key and halogen lamps, etc, and potassium permanganate cycloaddition reactions occur oxidation reaction, the polymerizationBenzene,(pah) and halogen lamps, etc, and hydrogen cycloaddition reactions occur in cycloaddition reactions3, a few important concept(1) TongXiWu: structure, the difference in the molecules of one or several CH2 atoms, call TongXiWu,(2) with heterogeneous phenomenon: compounds with the same formula, but have different structured phenomenon, called with heterogeneous phenomenon,(3) oil: has the same points of heterogeneous phenomenon known as oil each compound,4, several important organic chemical reaction typeIn this chapter, the knowledge of chemical properties of each representative involved in what reaction type? Its meaning is what?(1) the oxidation reaction: including two meanings with oxygen burning (2) can be KMnO4 acidic solution oxidation,(2) substitution reaction of organic molecules: some atoms or atoms were replaced by other atoms or directly, the reaction that substitution If the response, and halogen alkanes bromine liquid of benzene and nitration reaction, benzene, daqing heidimiao belong to replace reaction; (3) cycloaddition reactions in organic molecules: unsaturated carbon atoms and other atoms or directly generate new compounds with direct response called cycloaddition Such as ethylene and bromine and other halogen or hydrogen reaction and reaction of acetylene and halogen lamps are cycloaddition reactions, (4) polymerization: by the relative molecular mass of small molecules into the compound relative molecular mass of polymer reaction called Such as vinyl chloride, the polymerization of polymerization are polymerization,5 and alkane system nomenclatureThe habit of alkane what disadvantages of? The system of nomenclature alkanes principles and steps is what?The basic principle of the system are: (1) the most simplified principle, Principle of its affiliated enterprises (2), But as a long a nearly a few main chain is more than a long, Numbers starting from the chain recently, chain number, chain position SumThe basic procedure of the system can be described as: (1) the main chain, says one chosen by, (2) Numbers, chain, 3 in substituents, note position, even before the short, 4 different, Jane before, the same base, 6, oil and coalOil and coal are important chemical raw materials, but also the important energy material from crude oil, so that all sorts of chemical products, which way to pass? How to improve the utilization of coal combustion efficiency and?Oil refining including fractionation, cracking and The different hydrocarbons fractionation is using the boiling point, through the continuous heating and condensation, put oil into different boiling point range distillation process of Cracking is under certain conditions, make long-chain hydrocarbon breaks into short chain hydrocarbon method, the main product is relative molecular mass smaller liquid Cracking is the main product is cracking, the depth of the relative molecular mass of smaller unsaturated hydrocarbons such as ethylene, The value of coal to get the full use, must use integratedly, general measures have the distillation of coal coking coal (also called the coal gasification, and RuleA calculation formula of hydrocarbon and inference in its structureDetermine the basic methods of hydrocarbon formula:[a] according to organic mass fraction of each element of the quality (or elements, organic than) the most short, according to the type of organic determine the patent (formula) Namely: quality score - the most simple and formula[2] according to quality and organic organic Moore of each element of quality score (than), or the quality of 1mol calculate the organic material of each element of the atom, thus determine the number of atoms of each Namely:Quality score > 1mol material of each element of the atomic matter "[3] combustion general As for the hydrocarbon CxHy set, due to the x and y is relatively independent, calculation of simple According to the hydrocarbon combustion reaction, with the general formula calculation, CxHy the x and y, finally obtained the formula for Note:(1) gas molar mass = 4 L/mol x dg/L (d for standard conditions gas density)(2) one of A gas gas relative density for DA, the gas type quantity M = MADA(3) by the molecular formula for hydrocarbon method:1 M / 14, except for olefins, can infer, its business for cycloparafin hydrocarbon or the number of carbon atoms,2, 2 M / 14 can do, can infer, its business for paraffin carbon atom number for,3 M / 14, poor can consume, GuiTing or two pieces for olefin or ring for olefin, the number of carbon 4 M / 14, six can infer, except for the benzene or TongXiWu By type quantity available for the patent law, the steps over business as follows:1 to contractor and the remainder from division, type of hydrocarbon quantity of patent, symmetrical H atom number can't super 2 for equivalent substitution identified with the type of hydrocarbon quantity of hydrocarbon or other derivatives, patent:(1) 1 C atoms can replace 12 H atoms,(2) 1 O atom may replace 16 H atoms or molecules CH4 "1",(3) a N atoms can replace 14 H atoms or molecules "1" CH2, H atom number to keep Complete combustion relevant laws(1) the amount of the hydrocarbon (CnHm) complete combustion, oxygen consumption of many decisions in n + values, n + and oxygen consumption of more and (2) the quality of hydrocarbon (such CnHm) complete combustion, oxygen consumption of much depends on the mass fraction of hydrogen, namely, the value, the more oxygen consumption, or (3) the quality of hydrocarbon (such CnHm) complete combustion, mass fraction of carbon, hydrogen, the more the CO2 mass fraction, the more the H2O(4) in the same hydrocarbon in any mixing ratio, are: (1) the quality of a mixture of hydrocarbon element mass fraction ratio, 2 the quality of mixed operation must use complete combustion, O2 quality of the quality of CO2 are (5) for the hydrocarbon CnHm formula for:When m = 4, and the amount of material complete combustion,2 when m < 4 when, after the complete combustion 3 when m > 4 when, after the complete afterThree, all kinds of hydrocarbon and H2 bonus amount of substance of:Unsaturated hydrocarbons with the biggest bonus material H2 quantityOlefins 1:1The diolefins 1:2GuiTing 1:21:3 and TongXiWu benzenestyrene1:4 - CH CH2According to the formula of hydrocarbon may have a structureGeneral from alkane CnH2n + 2, the molecules of C = C per formed a bond or a ring, reduce 2 hydrogen original, Every form a molecule of ≡ C C key, reduced the four hydrogen According to this law by the hydrocarbon formula that may have its properties, the structure can determine the structure J As for the hydrocarbon C5H8 formula with the amount of substances such as Br2 bonus, try the structure and its possible that the structure of Jane First according to its molecules known its molecules of C5H12 less than four hydrogen atoms, may be the diolefins and GuiTing or ring, according to its olefins with Br2 bonus for the ring that its proportion in olefins and structureFive, we write and reaction of Polymers(1) we reaction written:Single olefins we response for:The diolefins conjugate of reaction to we:3 when consider different monomers we may have different Such as styrene and ethylene reaction between we:(2) polymer monomer judgment1 polyethyleneThe chain for two carbon atoms, as the monomer vinyl type, such as:2 butadiene tacklesThe chain is four carbon atoms, and between two carbon atoms have C = C, it should find tackles, such as: monomer butadiene3 mixed(1) when the chain has four carbon atoms, and C, C C = C between, shall be deemed to contain two vinyl monomers, such as type:(ii) when the chain, first look longer without C = C, if have, and C = C in the left side, right, each C atoms tackles as butadiene type, the C atomic every two as a vinyl Such as:Sixth, the lowest series principleSo-called minimum principle is: to advocate series from which side chain Numbers, to a minimum, chain for the principle, if have multiple chain, from different endpoints Numbers, then a number by a comparison of the differences, first appeared in the number of small, a number that Numbers method N[example] the name of the organic matter, is correctA 2,3,3,8,8 - five methyl nonaneB 2,2,7,7,8 - five methyl nonaneCristiano 2,3,3,5,5 - five methylD 2,2,4,4,5 - five methylAnalysis: according to the fault solution has abandoned the organic named "chain should follow the principle of minimum sum of serial number, and choose A Do not pay attention to four "CH2 group" of existence, and miss choose C or DSolution: firstly, the determination of the main chain chain have nine rather than five carbon atoms, C, D do not Then, if the Numbers from left to right, are chain Numbers for: 2,3,3,8,8, If from right to left, is a chain Numbers for: 2,2,7,7, Above two Numbers will be compared, the first by bit identical, the second is According to the principle of minimum series, the latter is correct, and that the name is listed in organic 2,2,7,7,8: five methyl Answer: BFor now, China organic named executive is released in 1980, for the new principle with international naming, from the former Soviet union, abandoned by the 1960, the principle of the old "serial number of minimum principle", "the lowest series" Two methods, the number of minimum principles through the calculation to determine the direction of the starting point and Numbers, observing the principle of minimum series can be determined by the starting point and Numbers, apparently more directly, the latter is more Seven, with heterogeneous phenomenon and oilWith heterogeneous form and writing orderCarbon frame position of heterogeneous functional groups of heterogeneous type heterogeneousOil of writing teachingPick, hang from the middle, Move toward the edge; less, After the first methyl ethyl;, After the first centralized, scattered, Transform, not

人们已经认识到,关于薄膜金属薄膜支持与相应的吸附性能的差异展示 散装metaloxides。修改后的属性休息1 电荷交换与吸附物种和金属/金属 氧化接口。这一现象最初预测的金原子 吸附在氧化镁/钼(100),后来证实实验 通过扫描隧道显微镜在Au原子测量 支持氧化镁/银(100)。类似的影响预测 并确认二氧化氮吸附在氧化镁/银(100),并 后来被证明申请不同类型的氧化物。 这部小说的催化性能的超薄氧化镁薄膜 银(100)源自认为O2是表面活性事实。 在图2中,电子态密度预计到氧气 州(态密度)是显示的O2/MgO和O2/MgO/Ag。案件 对氧化镁吸附,2π*状态是半满的分子 是一个三联。这种情况是不同的氧吸附在氧化镁/ 银(100),其中变为负电荷的分子(成形 一偶极)。这显然是观察到的态密度在一开始 空2π*国家已经提出以下费米能级。的收费 该分子是贝德尔证实了分析。对于O2/MgO / 银(100),氧气是收取-72位置,氧化镁54 e和银的 18大肠杆菌在图2中,我们还展示了电荷密度差 图[ΔF)架F(O2/MgO/Ag) - F(下氧) - F(下氧化镁/银)]。 ΔF清楚 揭示了电荷的2π*国家利益。在氧化 第一CO分子的过程中,该系统保留了双合 自旋态;在过渡态,自旋密度转移 对氧原子的表面上仍然存在。多余的电荷 这个原子计算为98电子。 氧的吸附在银后,支持氧化镁的活化 还观察到的结构特性。的O - O键长(表 1)为08较长的氧化镁/银相比,唯一的氧化物。 的CO键长计算为在氧化镁和氧化镁类似/ 股份公司。这是有关的二氧化碳吸附只有微弱的支持影响的事实。在第一个过渡状态,面向对象 (丙- O)键拉伸长度由12(04)Å。这架C - O值 可以比在Pt(111),它的情况下计算 为16。在O2的吸附在氧化镁/银(100)诱导 在氧化膜结构明显松弛。在rumpling 2%的氧化镁/银系统,而这是-17%的O2/MgO / 股份公司。在rumpling变化是由于镁离子的协调 在表面层的阴离子O2和降低O型抗原的距离 在接口。平均O型抗原距离减少到65 到46。大型结构松弛是一致的 其他吸附以前的结果(见,例如,15克)。




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