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Personal Resume Personal survey: Name: Sex: Birthday: State: School: Major: Mobile Phone: E-Mail: Education Background: During 2001 -2005,I have acquired University undergraduate course and law bachelor's Having systemic sociology theoretics knowledge, on top of the methods,technology and instruments for the society survey Also can be engage in ministry of education, scientific research organization, Party and government organizations, Business unit and caste engage in investigating research, policy evaluate, layout manage,society forecast and so Major Courses: Sociological introduction,Social investigation research technique, Western sociology history, Chinese sociology history, Chinese society thinking history, Western society thinking history, Community introduction, Social psychology, Social statistics, Social anthropology, Ethnosociology, Rural sociology, Urban sociology, Sociology of the family, Economic sociology, Organization sociology, Environmental sociology, Social security and social policy and so English Skills: Through several years study, I have already definite listening, speaking, reading and I have passed the CET-4 examination in Sep, I can use the internet refer to correlative English information and translate in time Computer Skills: I was familiar with Windows Operation System and Microsoft Office,such as Word,Excel,P And some Internet base Practise and Job experience: I take part in academy organized the survey for “SARS periods academician psychological condition”Using society survey research methods, acquaint themself with academician’s bearing capacity and the ability for arises suddenly the event in modern society in Jun, Go to Sichuan Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture carried through summer vacation To make a inquiry and talking for infection AIDS Acquaint the local resident because of taking drugs the infection AIDS community base The understanding takes in the high danger community and society's this part of weak trends community's survival present situation, as well as the community phenomenon and the multi-national area economical development is not balanced, the local massive population outflow, the cultural discrimination, the society is not equal, takes drugs contour is righteously non-conformist for the inner In Beijing Xintai science and technology group network manage department practising , primary answer for refer to commission ICP(Internet Content Provider) operation between Feb,2005 and Apr, Shenzhen century strength and real estate transaction limited company Nanjing subsidiary company assume the office of client service primary answer for later period client services between Jun,2005 and Aug, Working at ministry of construction cadre institute school record degree office,primary answer for the graduate student recruits students the project promotion and teaching educational administration management Interest and speciality: Like recreational activity, natural science, assume the office of Sports committee During the high school, I was the leader in biology and geography team and take part in field practice activities for many Like playing basketball and playing Ever since attend to institute and department organized compete for many Excellence: My character is open and bright, Steady, having the vigor, treating people the Hard working, positive is initiative, bears hardships and stands hard work and can be adapt to the pressure Having definite organization ability and management ability, can adapt to any environment and inosculate Having very strong team consciousness and good interpersonal relationship,therefore,can gained other people’s I am good at working in team and strike up information network with working in short Take on the definite plans the ability and actual operation Self Appraise: Optimistic is upward, the interest is widespread, adaptive faculty, diligently is diligent, conscientious, earnestly is responsible, firm and resolute does not pull out, bears hardships and stands hard work, dares to meet the new






清华大学学报》哲学社会科学版》 苏州大学学报》哲学社会科学版》这些都是关于法律这类的核心期刊来的。。

p>(一)论文1、《论违反劳动合同的违约责任》 载《当代法学》(法学类核心期刊CSSCI)baidu,中国电力出版社1998年版、《实用经济法教程》 杜波 张荣芳 主编/zhidao/pic/item/jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink">



1、当代财经的“专家审稿”是外审专家审稿的。现在投稿后,一般马上会直接跳到专家审稿这一个阶段,可能是秒跳。但必须注意的是,专家审稿前会有一个查重的过程,如果查重通过,就会进入外审程序,否则直接退稿。 2、复审是指专家已经审回,编辑部正在审核意见,尚未反馈给作者。这一阶段既可能退修,也可能退稿。到了这一阶段如果等待时间超过一个月的话,建议就可以和编辑部沟通一下。

《财经科学》组稿要求   1、符合本刊学术定位要求,主题包括金融学、工商管理、理论经济、区域经济、财税会计等以及交叉学科和新兴学科。  2、选题尽量突出前沿问题、难点问题、热点问题、重点问题,做到针对性强,与时俱进。  3、选题内容要新,突出新理念、新视角、新架构、新观点。  4、分析方法要新:尽量采用现代经济学的分析工具,实证性分析提倡运用计量工具,对策性分析应有较强的针对性和可操作性。  5、尽量避免一般知识性的描述,拒绝常识性的东西(包括意义、作用、特点等),力戒教科书化和空泛议论,突出论述深度。  6、采用规范的经济学语言,避免使用陈旧、过时的语言以及文件式语言拒假话、大话、空话、套话、虚话。 《财经科学》《财经科学》用稿体例   1、注明作者的工作单位、地址、职称、邮政编码、E_mail信箱、联系电话。  2、提供200字左右的中文摘要和中文摘要对应的英文摘要。要求用第三人称客观叙述内容梗概,简明、公正,不加评论和补充解释。  3、论文需附有英文标题,并列出反映论文主题内容的关键词3-5个及相应的英文关键词。  4、若为基金资助项目,请注明文章的基金来源及基金项目编号。  5、注明投稿日期。  6、正文的标题层次为:一 (二) 3、(4)。  7、凡引文出处一律列入文末“参考文献”,著录入方式为:(1)专著、论文集、学位论文、报告等[序号]著者书名[文献类型标志]出版地:出版者,出版年起止页码(任选)(文献类型标志:专著M  论文集C  学位论文D  报告R  标准S  专利P  其它文献Z)如:[1]梁能公司治理:中国的实践与美国的经验[M]北京:中国人民大学出版社,25-(2)期刊[序号]著者篇名[J]刊名,年,卷(期刊)如:[2]张帆郑京平跨国公司对中国经济结构和效率的影响[J]经济研究,1999,(1),35-(3)论文集中析出的文献如:[3]白钦先再论银企关系[A]白钦先:经济金融文集[C]北京:中国金融出版社,261-(4)报纸文章如:[4]董计营国有经济-经济发展的控制性力量[N]经济时报 2000-11-20(5)。[序号]著者篇名[N]报纸名,出版日期(版次)。文中引文序号与文末参考文献序号相对应,均用上标防括号[]。引文的页码一律用圆括号写在引文序号之后。例:“x x x x x x ”(28页)  8、注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明,用圆圈标注①②,置于当页底脚。  9、如是书评,请作者将字数控制在1500字以内,并注明书评作者的工作单位、职称、邮编和联系电话。此外,还应为我刊提供原著一本。  10、因人力有限,本刊概不退稿;作者若2个月未收到回复,即可另投他刊。


当代经济:Contemporary economics


morden economyworld economyall-around quality education plays a leading role in morden



英文:Mo yan, formerly known as GuanMo industry, born on February 17, 1955, shandong gaomi, the first Chinese writer awarded the Nobel Prize for He works with a series of local rise since the 1980 s, full of "homesickness" complex emotions, are classified as "root-searching literature" His red sorghum is a milestone of Chinese literary world in the 1980 s, has been translated into more than 20 words in the Mo yan won maodun literature award in Mo yan won the Nobel Prize in 2012, winning the reason: "magic realism to folk stories, history and contemporary society 中文翻译:莫言,原名管谟业,1955年2月17日生,山东高密人,第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家。他自上世纪80年代以一系列乡土作品崛起,充满着“怀乡”的复杂情感,被归类为“寻根文学”作家。他的《红高粱》是上世纪80年代中国文坛的里程碑之作,已经被翻译成20多种文字在全世界发行。2011年莫言荣获茅盾文学奖。2012年莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖,获奖理由是:“通魔幻现实主义将民间故事、历史与当代社会融合在一起。

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