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楼上的英语好棒啊,是专业英语吗 过了几级了
249 评论


医学文献客户端(App)是杏树林信息技术(北京)有限公司[1] 开发的针对医学专业人士的手机客户端。 其ios版曾在苹果应用商店中国区医学版“时下热门”榜第一名。该产品定位于为医生“量身定做的随身医学杂志”。 医学文献App汇总了国内外最重要的医学期刊,比如新英格兰医学杂志(NEJM)、美国医学会杂志(JAMA)、柳叶刀(Lancet)、中华医学系列杂志的中英文摘要和部分全文。内容涵盖20多个专科,每天更新。目前已有数万医生使用该应用。 对于注册用户,还有4种个性化阅读模式可选择: 精选:影响最大,阅读最多的文章; 专科:与自己专科有关的文章; 杂志:感兴趣的杂志上发表的文章; 关注:设定关键词,追踪相关文献。

247 评论


医学的英文:medicine读音:英 ['medsn] 美 ['medsn]  药;医学词汇搭配:1、动词+~:practice medicine 行医2、形容词+~:clinical medicine 临床医学3、名词+~:state medicine 国家公费医疗4、介词+~:a bottle of medicine 一瓶药常见句型:1、You know I dropped medicine and took up 你知道我放弃了医学,改学物理了。2、My sister is a student of 我姐姐是医科学生。3、Doctors of medicine are among the most wealthy members of American 医学博士是美国社会最富有的成员之一。扩展资料:词语用法1、medicine的基本意思是“药”,是药物的总称,尤指内服药; 可指直接用于病人的药,不指制药的原料; 可指合成药,也可指其中的一种药。2、medicine还可指“医术,医学”。3、medicine一般为不可数名词,但作“各种各样的药”解时可用作可数名词,可以有复数形式。

188 评论


主治 in charge 清热解毒 clearing away heat and alleviating pain

256 评论


Learn to start experiment a research to the A main efficacy of medicine, provide an experiment basis for the A clinical applicationAdopting the small rat trembles cage to change the ability machine methodProlong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep a time methodSmall rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method animal model and experimental Establishing physiology brine matched control, stability and brain replies 康 matched The main pharmacology function of Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep Raise E four nitrogens small rat surprised CD50 Showing the prolongs small rat to get an electric shock incubation There is obvious town to calm down, hypnotize, the anti- surprised and improvement study a memory ability pharmacology

349 评论


Conducts the experimental study to the A main pharmacodynamics, is theA clinical practice provides the experimental Uses the mouse to shake the cage transducer law Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime law Mouse 戊四氮 CD50 value law and animal model andexperimental technique and so on mouse diving platform law Supposes physiological saline comparison the group, stability andcomparison group and so on brain duplicate Kang Medicine main pharmacological action Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime Enhances 戊四氮 the mouse to faint from fright the CD50value Remarkably lengthens the mouse to receive an electric shock theincubation period Has obvious is calm, the hypnosis, the anti- convulsion andpharmacological action and so on improvement study memory ability有个词不会,参考一下吧,呵呵

337 评论


Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method animal model and experimental

314 评论


  • 英文医学期刊高端词汇

    Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a

    家装工装 6人参与回答 2024-07-03
  • 写论文的高端词汇

    - 1 - 启航教育专用高考英语作文模板 议论文 三大要素:论点,论据,论证 基本结构:提出问题(引论);分析问题(本论);解决问题(结论) 常用论证方法

    柳絮天涯 2人参与回答 2024-07-04
  • 英文医学期刊高端


    汤汤小朋友 5人参与回答 2024-07-03
  • 英文医学期刊高端版

    好像没有卫生事业管理方面的SCI英文期刊;你可以看下这些目录1、刊名: Chinese Medical Journal 中华医学杂志(英文版)2、刊名: C

    嘎嘎希尔 5人参与回答 2024-07-05
  • 英语论文高级词汇

    嗯……那要看看你的作文的类型或是题目是什么耶……比如如果是关于社会的话,一些专用词就像infrastructure,economy boom,communica

    小希很爱小希 4人参与回答 2024-07-06