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医学英语高频词汇课:6大常见学科考研医学英语高频词汇课:6大常见学科|06 急诊pdf|05 影像pdf|04 消化系统pdf|03 神经系统pdf|02 心血管系统pdf|01 呼吸系统pdf    链接: --hhZRA 提取码: heax

218 评论


Ankle: Achilles Tendonitis 跟腱炎Ankle: Ruptured Achilles Tendon 跟腱破裂Ankle: Sprain 踝部扭伤Ankle Fracture 踝部骨折Ankylosing Spondylitis 关节黏连脊椎炎Aseptic Necrosis 无菌的骨疽Back Pain: Approach to Management 怎样处理背痛问题Back Pain: Prevention 预防背痛Baker's Cyst 贝勾氏囊Bones 骨骼的功能Bone Tumors 骨肿瘤Bunions 姆趾黏液囊肿大Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕管综合症Colles Fracture 桡骨下端骨折Compression Fracture of the Vertebrae 脊椎压迫性骨折Dislocation 脱臼Dupuytren Contracture 掌挛缩病Elbow: Golfer's Elbow 高尔夫球肘Elbow: Tennis Elbow 网球肘Fibromyalgia 纤维组织肌痛Flat Foot 扁平足Foot: Hammer Toe 锤状趾Foot: Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎Foot: Ulcers 脚溃疡Fracture 骨折Fracture: Bones in the Foot 脚部骨折Fracture: Clavicle 锁骨骨折Fracture Types 骨折的种类Frozen Shoulder 凝肩Ganglion 腱鞘囊肿Hand Fracture 手骨折Hand: Tenosynoritis 手部腱鞘滑膜炎Heel Spurs 脚跟骨刺和发炎Herniated Disk 椎间盆后凸Hip: Arthritis of the Hip 髋关节炎Hip and Knee Replacement 髋关节和膝关节置换手术Hip Fracture 髋部骨折Infectious Arthritis 感染性关节炎Joints 关节Knee: Arthritis 膝关节炎Knee: Joint Pain 膝关节痛Knee: Runner's Knee 跑步者膝盖Knee: Torn Ligaments 膝韧带撕裂Knee: Torn Meniscus Cartilage 半月板软骨撕裂Knee Pain: Injury, Degeneration & Arthritis 劳损、退化与膝盖关节炎Knee Pain and Shoes 膝关节痛与鞋子Knee Replacement: Surgery Can Relieve Pain 膝关节置换术:手术舒缓痛楚Kyphosis 脊柱后弯Leg Cramps 小腿抽筋Lumbar Herniated Disc 腰椎盆脱出Mallet Finger 锤状指Morton Neuroma 莫耳通氏神经瘤Muscles 肌肉Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性关节炎Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤Neck: Wry Neck 颈部僵硬Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎 (退化性关节炎)Osteomalacia 软骨病Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症Paget Disease 柏哲德氏病Ribs & Cartilage Inflammation 肋与软骨炎RICE Therapy RICE治疗法Rotator Cuff Injury 旋转肌边创伤Sciatica 坐骨神经痛Scoliosis 脊柱侧凸Scoliosis 脊柱侧弯Shin Splints 胫纤维发炎Shoulder: Dislocation 肩脱位Shoulder: Rotator Cuff Tear 轴转肌撕裂Shoulder: Tendinitis & Caspulitis 肩部腱炎和囊炎Spinal Stenosis脊柱狭窄Swollen Legs, Ankles, or Feet 腿、踝或脚肿胀Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis and Bursitis 腱炎、腱鞘炎和黏液囊炎Trigger Finger 弹机状指 只要在百度打上“医学词汇 骨科”就出来了

304 评论


发烧:Fever 高烧:High Fever 发冷:Chillsz 发汗:Sweats 盗汗:Night Sweats 倦怠:Tireness 失眠:Insomnia 肩部发硬 :Stiffness in Shoulder 打喷嚏 :Sneeze 打嗝:Hiccup 痒:Itch 腰疼:Low Back Pain 头疼:Headache 痛:Pain (Ache) 急性疼痛 :Acute Pain 压痛:Pressing Pain 刺痛:Sharp Pain 烧痛:Burning Pain 裂痛:Tearing Pain 溃烂痛 :Sore Pain 痉挛痛 :Crampy Pain 顽痛:Persistent Pain 轻痛:Slight Pain 一跳一跳地痛 :Throbbing Pain 持续痛 :Continuous Pain 针扎似地痛 :Prickling Pain 不舒服 :Uncomfortable 验血:Blood Analysis 呼气:Expiration 吸气:Inspiration 呼吸困难 :Difficulty in Breathing 不规则脉搏 :Irregular Pulse 蛋白质 :Albuminuria

277 评论



325 评论


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