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Now, with the development of network technology, its high aging, high-capacity, multi-dimensional as well as restrictions on time-domain characteristics of students improve English reading ability provides a possible network of schools at all levels into the classroom has also become the teachers and students access to relevant reading material Modern information technology education courses and training so that students and teachers have the appropriate Relevant research data indicate that about 60% of human knowledge is acquired by Read about the importance of access to knowledge of human can be Therefore, in middle school English teaching, the majority of English teachers attach great importance to improve student reading Reading comprehension of students are in fact any expansion capabilities, background knowledge and processing strategies between the result of the To have this ability, but also must possess the necessary knowledge, experience tells us that day-to-day teaching, whether teachers or students, such as he has social, cultural, customs, astronomy, geography and history knowledge, then read the contents of information materials in English, the more do not have the knowledge in this area much easier, much more thorough understanding will also speed up has also improved He not only be able to understand the contents of the article said, and a text also will be able to talk about the content and the text does not talk about the relevant If you do not have such knowledge, he can not achieve a thorough understanding of the Could think, reading is to expand and improve their reading capacity, knowledge, understanding the primary purpose to help students improve reading skills and language Students exist because of differences in personality, personal interests, hobbies, have a markedly different, therefore, permit the students thought health topic in the material under the premise of the characteristics in accordance with their selection of reading material Selection of reading materials mainly news, popular science knowledge categories, sports, music, fashion and other types of students more interested in the topic-oriented, including astronomy and geography, historical figures, environmental protection, natural disasters, working life, literature and art, science and technology , sports health, humanities, politics and so In view of the network to read information on the numerous and complicated, both the rich information content, but good and the bad, so be sure to read in the implementation of strengthening students emotion and values of education, strengthen the network of civic education, strengthening supervision, to eliminate adverse The timeliness of the network when reading to reflect the very obvious and only news as an example: in 2001 such as the The twins towers attacked on S, 02-year US strikes on Iraq and in 2003 the Bird Flue all over the world such as reading materials in a very short period of time on dialogue with the students, and strengthen the emotional needs of English reading skills are at a large number of practical activities in the reading Therefore, the reading ability required in various forms, especially the full use of network resources to provide rich Students need to develop good reading habits and good reading skills, and perseverance, Not only to fully tap their potential for rapid reading ability, and attention should be paid to improve reading skills and reading skills to eliminate Only master English reading skills of students in order to read Such a reading can not only stimulate students interest in reading and motivation to meet their sense of achievement in learning English; but also cultivate among the students found that problem, problem-solving skills and think in English, with English communicative ability and self-learning English language ability


Now, with the development of network technology, its high aging, high-capacity, multi-dimensional as well as restrictions on time-domain characteristics of students improve English reading ability provides a possible network of schools at all levels into the classroom has also become the teachers and students access to relevant reading material Modern information technology education courses and training so that students and teachers have the appropriate Relevant research data indicate that about 60% of human knowledge is acquired by Read about the importance of access to knowledge of human can be Therefore, in middle school English teaching, the majority of English teachers attach great importance to improve student reading Reading comprehension of students are in fact any expansion capabilities, background knowledge and processing strategies between the result of the To have this ability, but also must possess the necessary knowledge, experience tells us that day-to-day teaching, whether teachers or students, such as he has social, cultural, customs, astronomy, geography and history knowledge, then read the contents of information materials in English, the more do not have the knowledge in this area much easier, much more thorough understanding of the will, speed has also improved He not only be able to understand the contents of the article said, and a text also will be able to talk about the content and the text does not talk about the relevant If you do not have such knowledge, he can not achieve a thorough understanding of the Could think, reading is to expand and improve their reading capacity, knowledge, understanding the primary purpose to help students improve reading skills and language Students exist because of differences in personality, personal interests, hobbies, have a markedly different, therefore, permit the students thought health topic in the material under the premise of the characteristics of the light of their own selection of reading material Selection of reading materials mainly news, popular science knowledge categories, sports, music, fashion and other types of students more interested in the topic-oriented, including astronomy and geography, historical figures, environmental protection, natural disasters, working life, literature and art, science and technology , sports health, humanities, politics and so In view of the network to read information on the numerous and complicated, both the network of civic education, strengthening supervision, to eliminate adverse The timeliness of the network when reading to reflect the very obvious and only news as an example: in 2001 such as the The twins towers attacked on S, 02-year US strikes on Iraq and in 2003 the Bird Flue all over the world such as reading materials in a very short period of time on dialogue with the students, and strengthen the emotional needs of English reading ability are substantial practice in reading Therefore, the reading ability required in various forms, especially the full use of network resources to provide rich Students need to develop good reading habits and good reading skills, and perseverance, Not only to fully tap their potential for rapid reading ability, and attention should be paid to improve reading skills and reading skills to eliminate Only master English reading skills of students in order to read Such a reading can not only stimulate students interest in reading and motivation to meet their sense of achievement in learning English; but also cultivate among the students found that problem, problem-solving skills and think in English, with English communicative ability and self-learning English language ability




A刊、B刊、C刊和普刊的区分有不同标准,一般以水术水平来区分。  C刊即是指CSSCI(中文社会科学引文索引,英文全称为“Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index”,缩写为CSSCI)。用来检索中文社会科学领域的论文收录和文献被引用情况。  A类、B类、C类是一些单位对期刊的水平的简单认定,各单位不一定,也不一致。人文社科的期刊,CSSCI是南京大学的检索的,水平要高于北大的核心,因为北大核心的杂志数量更多。  具体而言:C刊=CSSCI=南大核心期刊,北大核心期刊一般简称核心。南大核心的范围要比北大核心要小,所以C价值更高。CSSCI里顶级的期刊,有的学校认定为A,那就是中文期刊里最高级的了。而B刊是各学校以自己的标准自己规定的。所以如果要发表论文,选择期刊前,还是要到本校相关部门问清本校的期刊分类目录,才好决定投稿对象。  综述而言,就所代表的学术水平来说 ,A优于C优于B

学术论文格式要求 1、文稿 应具有科学性和实用性,论点明确,资料可靠,文字精炼,层次清楚,数据准确,书写工整规范,必要时应做统计学处理。 2、题目 力求简明、醒目,反映出文章的主题。中文文题一般以20个汉字以内为宜,不用非公知公认的缩写或符号,尽量避免用英文缩写。 3、作者、单位和脚注 作者姓名居题目下方,单位名称用括号注于作者下方,写至具体科室并注明城市和邮政编码。稿件首页的脚注处用中(英)文附第一作者和通讯作者的简介,包括学历、职称、学衔(如院士、博导、硕导或其他学术头衔)、研究方向、本研究的基金资助项目与编号(附基金证书复印件,将优先发表)、联系电话、传真、E-mail等。 作者姓名的排列顺序应在投稿时确定,在编排过程中不再更动,作者应是:①参与选题和设计,或参与资料的分析和解释者;②起草或修改论文中关键性理论或其它主要内容者;③能对编辑部的修改意见进行核修,在学术界进行答辩,并最终同意该文发表者。以上3条均需具备,仅参与获得资金或收集资料者不能列为作者,仅对科研小组进行一般管理也不宜列为作者。对文章的各主要结论,均必须至少有1位作者负责。集体署名的文章必须明确对该文负责的关键人物(通讯作者);其他对该研究有贡献者应列入志谢部分。作者中如有外籍作者,应征得本人同意,并有证明信或本人签名。 4、摘要 本版采用结构式摘要(讲座与综述可不按此结构书写),摘要的内容应客观真实,采用第三人称撰写,不用“本文”、“作者”等主语,前三部分切忌掺杂作者的主观见解、解释和评论。非公知公认的符号或术语第一次出现时应写全称。 5、关键词 论著需标引2~8个关键词。请尽量使用美国国立医学图书馆编辑的最新版《Index Medicus》中医学主题词表(MeSH)内所列的词。主要的自由词和未被词表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语,也可作为关键词标出。如果最新版MeSH中尚无相应的词,处理办法有:①可选用直接相关的几个主题词进行组配;②可根据树状结构表选用最直接的上位主题词;③必要时,可采用习用的自由词并排列于最后。关键词中的缩写词应按MeSH还原为全称,如“HBsAg”应标引为“乙型肝炎表面抗原”,每个英文关键词第一个字母大写,各词汇之间用“;”隔开。 6、序号及标题层次 文中的各种序号,全部用阿拉伯数字按顺序左起顶格书写。标题层次不宜过多,有标题才有序号,标题层次按第一层1,第二层1,第三层1,第四层1的顺序逐级标明,不同层次的数字之间加下圆点相分隔,最后一位数字后面不加标点,写法如下: 1△△△△(章的标题,顶格,占一行) 1 △△△△(条的标题,顶格,占一行) 1 △△△△(顶格,接正文) 2 △△△△(顶格,接正文) 7、图表 每幅图表附在文中,分别按其在正文中出现的先后次序连续编码。每幅图表应冠有图(表)题。说明性的资料应置于图(表)下方注释中,并在注释中标明图表中使用的全部非公知公用的缩写。本版采用三横线表(顶线、表头线、底线),如遇有合计或统计学处理行(如t值、P值等),则在这行上面加一条分界横线;表内数据要求同一指标有效位数一致,一般按标准差的1/3确定有效位数。线条图应墨绘在白纸上,高宽比例约为5:7左右。以计算机制图者应提供激光打印图样。照片图要求有良好的清晰度和对比度。图中需标注的符号(包括箭头)请用另纸标上,不要直接写在照片上,每幅图的背面应贴上标签,注明图号、作者姓名及图的上下方向。图片不可折损。若刊用人像,应征得本人的书面同意,或遮盖其能被辨认的部分。大体标本照片在图内应有尺度标记。病理照片要求注明染色方法和放大倍数。图表中如有引自他刊者,应注明出处。 8、单位 实行国务院1984年2月颁布的《中华人民共和国法定计量单位》,并以单位符号表示,具体使用请参照1991年中华医学会编辑出版的《法定计量单位在医学上的应用》一书。注意单位名称与单位符号不可混合使用,如ng·kg-1天-1应改为ng·kg-1·d-1;组合单位符号中表示相除的斜线多于1条时应采用负数幂的形式表示,如ng/kg/min应采用ng·kg-1·min-1的形式;组合单位中余线和负数幂亦不可混用,如前例不宜采用ng/kg·min-1的形式。在叙述中,应先列出法定计量单位数值,括号内写旧制单位数值,如 10kPa ( 75mmHg ),但如同一计量单位反复出现,可在首次出现时注出法定计量单位与旧制单位的换算系数,然后只列法定计量数值。 9、数字 执行GB/T 15835-1995《关于出版物上数字用法的规定》。公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻和计数、计量均用阿拉伯数字。序数词和年份、页数、部队番号、仪表型号、标准号不分节。百分数的范围和偏差,前一数字的百分符号不能省略,如5%~95%不要写成5~95%,(2±6)%不要写成2±6%。附带尺寸单位的数值相乘,按下列方式书写:4 cm×3 cm×5 cm,而不写成4×3×5cm。 10、统计学符号 统计学符号按国家标准GB3358-82《统计学名词及符号》的有关规定书写。常用如下: (1) 样本的算术平均数用 表示(中位数仍用M) (2)标准差用英文小写s (3)标准误用 (4)t检验用英文小写t (5)F检验用英文大写F (6)卡方检验用希文小写c2 (7)相关系数用英文小写r (8)样本数用n表示 (9)概率用英文大写P表示 11、缩略语 文中尽量少用,必须使用时于首次出现处先叙述其全称,然后括号注出中文缩略语词或英文全称及其缩略语,后两者间用“,”分开(如该缩略语已公知,也可不注出其英文全称)。缩略语不得移行。 12、参考文献 按GB 7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》采用顺序编码制著录,尽量避免引用摘要作为参考文献。确需引用个人通讯时,可将通讯者姓名和通讯时间写在括号内插入正文相应处。外文期刊名称用缩写,以《Index Medicus》中的格式为准;中文期刊用全名。参考文献仅限作者亲自阅读过的最新文献,必须由作者与其原文核对无误,一般近5年来的文献占2/3以上。研究原著所引文献一般不少于5篇,依文中首次出现顺序用阿拉伯数字标出排列于文末,并在引用处加方括号用角码注明。参考文献一律用西文标点符号,每条均需著录起止页。3位及3位以内作者全部写出,3位以上作者只写前3位,后面加“等”,西文用“et al”,正在印刷的文章应标明“印刷中”。 期刊格式——作者 题名[J] 刊名 年;卷(期):起页-止页止页码与起页码位数相同的数字可省略。 专著格式——作者 书名[M] 版本出版地:出版者 出版年;起页-止页止页码与起页码位数相同的数字可省略。 编著中章节作者的引用格式——章节作者 题目 见(In):主编者主编 书名[M] 版本出版地:出版者 出版年;起页-止页。 例如: [1] 亿年,王好,万删,等 XXXXX研究[J] 中国XX杂志 2000;8(12):807-10 [2] 年外 诶内 见:XX主编 XX学[M] 第1版北京:人民卫生出版社 2000;3-24 [3] Pinto JF, Podezeck F, Newton JM, et Investigation of tablets prepared from pellets produced by extrusion and spheronisationII[J] Int J P 1997;152(1):7-10



首先,登录中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库或者 维普数据库(此为中国三大专业文献数据库)或国外Pubmed/Medline等国外专业数据库,然后搜索相关的文献,写出您的文章。其次,再去以上数据库中搜索相关专业期刊编辑部信息(国家级或是非国家级,核心或者非核心,统计源或者非统计源期刊等等),找到投稿联系方式,这样的方法避免网上很多钓鱼网站,确保您投稿的期刊是合法的。最后,祝好运。欢迎交流。静石医疗,竭诚为您服务。




首先,登录中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库或者 维普数据库(此为中国三大专业文献数据库)或国外Pubmed/Medline等国外专业数据库,然后搜索相关的文献,写出您的文章。其次,再去以上数据库中搜索相关专业期刊编辑部信息(国家级或是非国家级,核心或者非核心,统计源或者非统计源期刊等等),找到投稿联系方式,这样的方法避免网上很多钓鱼网站,确保您投稿的期刊是合法的。最后,祝好运。欢迎交流。静石医疗,竭诚为您服务。






你好,杂志社是不允许收取版面费的,但是你必须拿出能反映当代医学的论文。自己直接投稿。收费的刊物都是一些很普通的刊物违规操作。 报名费多少? 没明白什么意思,有问题可以追加。

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